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Washington, D.C

Washington, D.C., the capital of the USA, is situated on the Potomac River and is named after the first American President George Washington.

Washington was founded in 1791. This place was chosen by George Washington. The plot of land of hundred square miles was bought from the private owners by the government and George Washington laid the corner-stone of the Capitol where the Congress sits. The place was called the District of Columbia in honour of Columbus, the discoverer of America. Washington became the federal capital in 1800.

Washington is sometimes called the heart of America. It is the place where the federal government works and where each President lives. It is not a very large capital, only one million people live there. There is a law in Washington against building structures higher the Capitol. The Capitol is a very high and beautiful building with white marble columns. It is in the very center of the city.

Today Washington attracts a lot of tourists by its sightseeings such as “Mount Vernon”, the house of the first president George Washington, the Lincoln Memorial, the White House and others. The White House, the residence of the president, is the oldest public structure in the capital and one of the most beautiful. In 1812 the Capitol and the house of the president were set on fire and, to hide the marks of the fire, the brown stone walls of the president’s home were painted white. It has been the “White House” ever since. Now everyone can visit it almost every day of the year. It is opened for tourists since 10 a.m. till noon.

Washington has little industry. The whole city, with its long wide avenues, shady trees on both sides, low buildings and crowds of governmental workers, is unlike New York with its skyscrapers and noisy streets.

Дата публикования: 2015-07-22; Прочитано: 307 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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