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Eating Out. English food

Ex. Read and decide what dishes you would prefer:

Each part of Britain is known for some delicious dishes:

· Lamb with mint sauce in Wales;

· Haggis, made of oatmeal, chopped meat and spices, in Scotland;

· Salmon in Northern Ireland;

· Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding in England.

English breakfast. In many countries breakfast is a snack rather than a meal, but the traditional English breakfast is a full meal. They start with a bowl of cereal and milk. Next, there is something cooked – bacon and eggs, sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, potatoes and bread. Finally, there is tea or coffee with toast and marmalade.

Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding isa traditional English family lunch on Sunday. The main ingredient is hot roast beef with vegetable and gravy.

Apple pie is a popular sweet in England. The English cover apples with pastry, to make an apple pie – which is delicious with cream. And sometimes they cover them with toffee and put them on a stick, to make toffee apples.

Take-away Food. More and more people in Britain now buy hot food from a “take-away” and eat it at home.

A pub is a traditional British institution. It is impossible to imagine Britain without pubs. It is a public place and at the same time it is rather like someone's house. The main business in pubs is selling drinks to people, there are always plenty to choose from, but the most popular is beer. One thing you may discover is that some pubs have drinks and little else, but others have more to offer such as food, music or accommodation. One reason for this is that what we now call pubs used to be various kinds of places such as alehouses and inns.

Alehouses were simple places where working men met in the evening to drink beer, and even today some small local pubs are a bit like this — quiet, rather private places where local people meet in the evening for a drink. Traditional English ale or beer rapidly disappeared from most pubs during the 1960s and 1970s. This “real ale” required special care, for it remained alive and continued to ferment in its wooden cask in the pub cellar, beneath the bar. It was made from barley, hops and pure water and required storage at a constant cool temperature. It was not refrigerated and contained no carbon dioxide gas. To those used to drinking refrigerated beer, real ale can taste flat, warm and weak. To many British, it is the only beer with real taste.

Inns, however, were places where travellers could stop, rest and stay overnight. In the days before modern transport such places were of course important; you could get warm, have a good meal, feed the horses and so on.

Many of today's pubs are in fact still inns. Many of these old places have changed a lot. Some alehouses have become very comfortable and expensive and some inns no longer take guests and provide much food. Old buildings have been changed into pubs and new pubs have been built too. The result of all this is that nowadays there are lots of places, all called pubs, of many different kinds — large and small, new and old, in cities and in the countryside, and even in places where nobody seems to live at all.

Naturally, one of the things that people enjoy most about pubs is having a drink in company. But there are other things that attract people to pubs. Here you may find games machines and music.

Most pubs offer the opportunity to escape from crowds of tourists and to see something really British from the inside.

Laws about the pubs:

1. Pubs can only sell alcohol at certain times.

2. Children under 14 can’t go into bars where drinks are served.

3. People under 18 can buy or drink alcohol in pubs.

4. People under 18 are not allowed to play machines that give money as prizes – in pubs or in any other place.

Ex. What attracts people to pubs? Do you think that laws are very strict, or they are reasonable?

Дата публикования: 2015-07-22; Прочитано: 282 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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