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Experimental part. The damping factor is

The damping factor is


1. Make the spring pendulum in oscillation motion.

2. Measure the amplitudes of first - A1 and of fifths - A5 oscillations.

3. Calculate the period of vibration by the formula

T = t/n, (18.14)

where t is the time of "n" oscillations; "n" is the number of oscillations.

4. Calculate the logarithmic decrement and the damping factor in accordance with the relations



5. Calculate Dl/l, Db/b, Dl and Db for five measurements. Calculate the half-width of the confidence interval for A1,A5 and t using the main errors of measurements.

6. Put down the date of measurements and the results of calculation in the table 1.

7. Repeat the measurements for another mass.

8. Put down the date of measurements in table 1.

9. Make analyses of the experimental results.

Table 18.1

Дата публикования: 2015-07-22; Прочитано: 274 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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