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Physical pendulum

Purpose of work: check the dependence of physical pendulum free oscillations period from its moment of inertia; determine the value of the free fall acceleration.

DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT: physical pendulum, stopwatch, straightedge.

The experimental setting(fig.6.1 ) consists of the base 1, alignment of which is carried out by legs 2. The rack is fastened in the base 3, on which the bottom supporting arm 4 is fixed with photoelectric sensor 5. On the top supporting arm 6 is suspended the physical pendulum, which includes the rod 7, weight 8 and detent 9. On the rod 7 in 10 mm collar marks are made for the exact determination of the length and exact weight 8 fixation.

On the front gage panel there are: 10 – oscillation indicator, 14 – indicator of time, switches: -11 “Сеть”, 12 “Сброс”, 13 “Стоп”.

Figure 6.1

During the pendulum motion the flow of light from the lamp of the photoelectric sensor overlap and the electronic computation circuit of oscillations number and stopwatch actuates. After pressing the switch “STOP” the stopwatch stanching after the end of full current oscillations.

Дата публикования: 2015-07-22; Прочитано: 207 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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