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The Process of communication

1. Give your own definition of Communication Management

2. What is Communication Management Process?

3. Translate the following text. Make a vocabulary (min 50 words and word expressions).

As such there are three steps involved in the communication process. It is the origin of a thought or an idea by a sender which is properly planned and then passed on to the receiver in a manner in which it can be properly understood.

The Communication Process.

· The message sender

Communication begins when the sender comes across a thought or an idea. The sender then encodes it in a way in which it can be understood by the receiving channel members. Encoding is not simply translation or to put forward an idea, but includes additions, deletions and simplifications in the line of thought and conversion and the same in the form of a message to be transfered further down the line. It also may include technical details such as encoding the message in a programmed language as an input for computer.

· Transmission of Message

There needs to be a link between the sender of the message and receiver of the message. These links or mediums may be written or oral. The messages are transmitted through a letter, a telegram, telephone, computer, etc. Sometimes, more than one link also may be used for the transmission of messages.

· The message receiver

The message has to reach the receiver in a form in which it is understandable. The message received has to be decoded. It is to be converted into the original thought or idea. Accurate communication can occur only when both, the sender and the receiver attach similar meanings to the symbols that compose the message. The crux is in the message being understood. The emphasis is not simply in the transfer of the message but such a transfer where facts remain intact and the real message does not get distorted. It is necessary to receive a message with an open mind because if the information is contrary to the value system of the individual, a closed mind will normally not accept it.

To verify the effectiveness of communication, feedback is necessary. Whether or not a message has been clearly transmitted and understood can be confirmed by feedback. Feedback helps in analyzing whether the objective has been achieved or not.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 272 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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