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Communications Management Process

This helps you undertake Communications Management for your team.

It does this by taking you through the Communication Process, step-by-step.

If you want to keep the right people informed with the right information, at the right time, then this process will help you.

Communication Process will help you to:

· Identify the messages that need to be sent

· Determine your target audience for communication

· Decide on your message format and timing

· Draft your message and gain approval where required

· Communicate your message, through communications events

· Gather feedback and improve your communication processes

By using this Communication Process, you can:

· Clearly identify your project stakeholders

· Identify your stakeholders communications needs

· Run any type of communications event to send out your message

· Ensure the right people receive the right information at the right time

Keeping your stakeholders regularly informed is a critical activity for any team. Whether it's through status reports, regular meetings or informal email, you can ensure that the right messages are distributed about the progress of your project. This will help your project team and external stakeholders to remain focused on delivery and to provide you with all of the support you need to deliver your project successfully.

A Communication Process, or Communications Management Process, is a set of steps that are taken every time formal communications are undertaken in an organization. A Communications Process is undertaken as part of Communications Management and helps to ensure that your stakeholders are kept regularly informed. For example as part of the project life cycle, the team implement a Communication Process to make sure that the entire team is kept informed of the status of the project.

When do I use a Communication Process?

A Communication Process should be used when you wish to communicate formally within an organization. By using the Communication Process, you can ensure that no miscommunication occurs. As part of the Communication Process, you can also receive feedback on the communications which have taken place to date and ensure that future communications are improved. Communications Management is a fundamental part of any organization and needs to be treated with care. Using this Communications Process, you can communicate effectively at all times.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 308 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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