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Your accommodation is the place where you stay (note: the spelling is difficult - it is not "accomodation" - and there is no plural word "accommodations" in British English).The landlord (or landlady) is the owner of your accommodation. The money you pay to your landlord (usually weekly or monthly) is called rent. You usually pay a deposit when you start renting; normally this money is returned to you when you leave unless you break or damage things or fail to pay the rent. An inventory is a list of what is in the accommodation. If breakfast and supper are provided it is called full board. If only breakfast is provided it is half board. If there are no meals provided it is self-catering. If you live in a different building from the landlord you are known as a tenant. A tenancy agreement is a legal contract between you and your landlord. The notice period is the amount of time your landlord must give you if he/she wants you to leave the accommodation, or the amount of warning which you must give your landlord if you want to leave. If you live in part of the same house as the landlord, you are a licensee. The contract is known as a license agreement.

What types of student accommodation are there in UK?

Homestay. Accommodation living in someone's home with a "host family", often arranged in co-operation with a school Breakfast and evening meals are provided, usually eating together with the family. The bathroom is probably shared with other members of the family.

Bedsit / hall of residence. A single room in which you live and sleep; the room is both a bedroom and a sitting room (living room). The cooking area (if there is one) is usually shared. There is usually a wash basin in the room, but the bathroom may be shared. Services such as cleaning and changing of sheets are often provided. If the room is in a building belonging to a university, it is usually called a 'hall of residence'.

Studio flat. A small flat where the living room and bedroom are combined (a flat is known as an "apartment" in American English). Usually the room has its own entrance and you are free to come and go when you want. There is usually a small bathroom, but this may only contain a basin, toilet and shower.

Flatshare / shared house. A "flatshare" is when you share a flat with one or more other people. You may have your own room, or alternatively you may share a twin-bedded or double-bedded room with another person. A "student house" usually refers to a private house which is occupied by a group of students (sometimes called "student digs").

B&B ("bed and breakfast"), guest house. A room, usually part of someone's home, which the owners are renting out to make some money. Breakfast is provided, but no evening meal. The bathroom is probably shared with other guests.

Hotels. This is probably the most well known and popular type of accommodation available. Hotels range in price from "budget" to very expensive depending upon the area and type of hotel chosen. Most hotels have a bar, although prices can be high.

Youth Hostels. The Youth Hostel Association have hostels around England and Wales, including seven in London. At busy times, it is best to book in advance. But often, you may just arrive and find a room. There are similar associations covering hostels in Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Republic of Ireland.

They offer good cheap places to stay. It is necessary to become a member. However, it is possible to join at the time of arrival at a hostel and pay an additional sum a night towards membership at different hostels, until the full membership has been paid. Students with an International Student identity Card may receive a discount. If you are a member of the Youth Hostel Association in your own country already, then your membership covers you to stay at 5000 hostels in over 60 countries.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-09; Прочитано: 825 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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