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Some More Shopping

A. Fill in each gap with a suitable form of the verbs to be or to have.

Oxford street … the main shopping street in London. It … a lot of nice shops and department stores. In the shops you can see things for men, women and children.

The shops … usually open six days a week. They … usually closed at 5.30 or at 6 o'clock in the evening. On some days they … open later.

Smaller Oxford street shops … all kinds of things for shoppers. They … dresses, coats, suits, shirts, blouses, hats, ties. In bigger ones people can buy more things: cameras, TV sets, mobile phones. In smaller shops things sometimes cheaper than in bigger ones but the quality … not always good.

Some chain shops … well-known in the country. Branches of the shops … open in a lot of towns and cities of the world. These shops are Marks & Spencer, C&A, Littlewoods, British Home Stores. Some chain shops … their branches in Moscow too.

Department stores … a lot of departments. They sell clothes, shoes, furniture, TV sets, video cameras, computers. Department stores sometimes … sales. Then the prices … lower because the stores want to sell their goods.

Shop assistants … usually very kind and friendly to shoppers. They can advise shoppers on the size, colour and fashion.

B. S: What can I do for you?

C: I'd like to buy a light suit, please.

S: What's your size, sir?

C: I think it's medium, but I'm not sure.

S: What colour would you like?

C: Grey or dark blue.

S: Here you are. You can try it on. The fitting room is over there.

C: Thank you. (10 minutes later). I'm afraid this one is too small, but I like the colour and the style. Can I have a lager one?

S: Certainly. Is this one all right?

C: (from the fitting room)Yes, that's my size.

S: I think it fits you. And this style is in fashion now.

C: I'll take it. I like it. How much is it?

S: It's 50 pounds. Will you pay in cash?

C: Yes, please.

S: The cash desk is over there. Thank you very much, sir.

C. S: Good morning, madam. Can I help you?

C: Yes, I'd like a pair of black shoes.

S: What size and what style?

C: Size five and a half, low heel, please.

S: Here you are, madam. Will you try them on?

C: I'm sorry. They are not for me. But I like the style and the quality. I'll take them.

S: Would you like to have a box?

C: Yes, please. I'll pay in cash. By the way, can I get a refund on them or exchange the pair?

S: Any time, madam. Just keep your receipt.

C: Thank you very much.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-09; Прочитано: 848 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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