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My Future Profession. Of course, modern railways can't be compared with the old ones

Choosing a profession is one of the most important steps in everybody's life. It depends on many factors: person's knowledge, abilities and talents, his own wishes and dreams, or wishes and dreams of his/her parents or relatives, the market situation and economic benefits. Quite often the profession is chosen because it is fashionable, or can open wide career prospects, or may allow business trips abroad, or offer high wages and bonuses. One can find a lot of advantages in one profession and disadvantages in the other. But my choice was the railway transport.

Of course, modern railways can't be compared with the old ones. They are constantly changing, new machines appearing, new technologies being implemented, new operation methods being worked out. The passenger services are being improved, and the high-speed traffic is not more a fairy tale of those who happen to have traveled abroad. New freight wagons are designed, and new kinds of transportation services like piggy-back or combined are being developed. Railways have bright prospects, especially in our country where they are the main carrier.

Railways are a huge manifold organization, but their basic function provided by good track condition, reliable signaling and telecommunication, modern rolling stock and powerful motive powers, is to serve people, either by transporting goods or passengers. And being a member of this team I am sure I'll be able to make my contribution in improving the railways market situation and into ensuring their profitability. And the last is of vital importance for me as my own and my family well-being depends on the prosperity of the railway. I believe in my brilliant future, and I believe in the brilliant prospects of Ukrainian Railways.

1. What does the choice of profession depend on?

2. How did you choose your profession?

3. What is your parents` profession?

4. Has anybody from your family worked at the railway?

5. What changes have been taken place at the railways recently?

6. What are your ambitions in your future profession?

Дата публикования: 2015-04-06; Прочитано: 1023 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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