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In this document a person presents a summary of facts of his or her biog­raphy as accepted in Ukraine, It includes:

1. The name of the document

2. A text where one gives his or her

name in full

date of birth

place of birth

summary of education, work experience (in chronological order),
personal experience, social activities

information about the family

3. Date,

4. Signature

Sample Autobiography

I, Prokopenko Mariya Oleksandrivna, was born on April 29, 1978 in Kyiv in the family of an officer.

In 1985 I became a pupil of the first form of Kaniv secondary school in Ukraine.

When my father entered the Military Academy in Kharkiv in 1986 we moved there and I continued my studies at School No. 20 till 1989.

Since 1989 till 1995 I studied at Kyiv secondary school No. 50. In 1995 I entered the Foreign Languages Department of the Ukrainian State Pedagogical University after M.P. Drahomanov where I am studying now. I am the monitor of group 43.

My family.

Father — Prokopenko Oleksandr Vasylyovytch, born in 1954, is an offi­cer and works at the Defence Ministry of Ukraine.

Mother — Prokopenko (Kyrylenko) Nataliya Viktorivna, born in 1958, is a music teacher of Kyiv children musical school No. 2.

Sister — Prokopenko Kateryna Oleksandrivna, born in 1987, is a pupil of the second form of Kyiv secondary school No. 44.

October 10, 1999



In the following documents a person presents a summary of bio­graphical details, especially details of education and work experience as ac­cepted in Great Britain and the USA.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-06; Прочитано: 823 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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