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Complete the sentences (A) choosing the required words or word combinations from list (B). Read and translate them

A 1) The places where robots can be used are...

2) Job functions performed by the robot are...

3) There are various types of operations in which the robot performs different functions. They are...

В shops, to unload parts, machine tools, grind, factories, to load parts, foundry, to transfer parts, to handle parts, trimming, to spray parts, stamping presses, to place parts in gages, forming, forging, casting clean-up, to drill, to weld, assembly.

5. Answer the questions:

1) What are the typical features of each type of an industrial robot? 2) What is the principle according to which industrial robots are subdivided into PTP and CP robots? 3) How can robots be usually driven? 4) What is the load capacity of hydraulic robots? 5) What kind of coordinate system can different robots work in? 6) What tasks can robots perform in factories, shops and foundries around the world? 7) What can robots do in forging operations? 8) How are robots used in casting clean-up operations? 9) What are continuous path servo-controlled robots used for? 10) What operations do microprocessor-controlled robots perform?

6. Read the sentences from the text which illustrate the following statements:

1). Robots are used in different places. 2). Robots are used for various operations. 3). Robots may perform different numbers of operations. 4). Robots are widely used in forging operations. 5). There are some types of robots which are used for spraying and assembly operations.

*7. Try to tell the gist of the text.

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 404 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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