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Tell what sentences are true and what are false. 1) How are "multi-point" PTP robots and CP robots called?

1) Load capacity is one of the typical features of any type of an industrial robot. 2) Each axis of a cycle robot can move to only one position. 3) PTP robots and CP robots are called "self-controlled" robots. 4) Robots can operate by means of electro-pneumatic drives. 5) Universal robots have one manipulator, load capacity of 20-40 kg and continuous-path control of operations. 6) In plastic injection moulding operations robots can unload as many as three machines. 7) In forging operations robots unload hot billets from furnaces and load them to forging presses. 8). Robots with sensory feedback capability fulfill the complex part and tool-handling tasks in assembly operations.

2. Choose the right answer:

1) How are "multi-point" PTP robots and CP robots called?

a) "point-to-point" robots;

b) "servo-controlled" robots;

c) "continuous-path" robots.

2) What is a drive?

a) a load capacity;

b) a fixed cycle control;

c) a typical feature of robots.

3) What is a role of hydraulic robots in industry?

a) they occupy the second place in industrial application;

b) they are of no use in industry;

c) they operate, in theory, in an infinite number of points in space.

4) What system can some robots operate in?

a) they can work in loading and unloading system;

b) they can work in assembly operations system;

c) they can work in angular coordinate system as well as in cylindrical, spherical and cartesian systems.

5) What are CP servo-controlled robots used for?

a) they are used for trimming operations;

b) they are used for spot and arc welding;

c) they are used for dimensional checking.

6) What robot performs the complex part and tool-handling tasks in assembly operations?

a) industrial robot;

b) "multi-point" PTP robot;

c) microprocessor-controlled robot with sensory feedback capability.

3. Complete the sentences:

1) The typical features of each type of an industrial robot are …. 2) The simplest case of PTP robots is …. 3) The "multi-point" PTP robot permits …. 4) Robots can be driven by …. 5) Hydraulic robots occupy …. 6) Industrial robots are being used for …. 7) Continuous path servo-controlled robots are used for ….

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 328 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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