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Divide the text into the logical parts and give a title to each one

Put questions to the text.

Discuss it with your groupmates.

Unit 2

Text Study: Types of Computers.

Additional Text: The First Computers.

Grammar: The Past Comtinuous Tense.

Text Study

I. Pre-reading Exercises

1. Repeat the words in chorus:

Classify, distinction, digital, analog,discrete, occur, measure, circular, variable, smooth, purpose, offer, sufficiently, equipment.

2. While reading the text you will come across a number of international words. Try to guess what Ukrainian words they remind of you:

Method, documents, contract, microcomputer, individual, a workstation, model, class of computer, silicon chip, location.

3. Pay attention to some grammatical points:

1) There are several methods of classifying computers. 2)Digital computers are by far the most widely used. 3) A home computer is a low-cost microcomputer of limited capability designed for domestic use with programs that typically are used for such things as computer games or controlling f amily finance. 4) Many can be connected to minicomputers and mainframe computers so that the PC users can also gain access to the facilities offered by the larger machine. 5) There are mainframes, minicomputers and microcomputers. However, there are no sharp dividing lines between them. 6) A model at the top of a manufacturer’s range of minicomputers might well be more powerful than the model at the bottom of a range of mainframes.

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 661 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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