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Tell what sentences are true and what are false. 1) Ada Byron is considered the first .

1) The abacus emerged in Africa and it allowed people to make calculations using moving beads arranged on a rack. 2) Konrad Zuse built the first programmable computer, called Z3, working on the binary system. 3) Second generation computers used tran­sistors instead of vacuum tubes. 4) Second-generation computers were bigger, slower and less reliable than first-generation computers. 5) A chip is a square or rectangular piece of silicon, usually from 1/10 to 1/4 inch. 6) Fibre optics and optical disks revolu­tionize the world of computers in 1975. 7) Artificial Intelligence and voice re­cognition are incorporated into computer applications of the fifth generation of computers.

2. Choose the right answer:

1) Ada Byron is considered the first ….

a) male computer programmer;

b) female computer programmer;

c) computer user.

2) Konrad Zuse built the first ….

a) programmable computer;

b) big computer;

c) desk computer.

3) The thousands of … of the first computers emitted large amounts of heat and burned out frequently.

a) operations;

b) functions;

c) vacuum tubes.

4) Third generation computers used ….

a) silicon chips;

b) petrol;

c) light.

5) Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft and wrote a BASIC compiler for the Altair in ….

a) 1965;

b) 1975;

c) 1955.

6) … revolu­tionize the world of computers.

a) disks;

b) fibre elements;

c) fibre optics and optical disks.

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 343 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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