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Fill in the gaps with the words from Vocabulary Notes in the appropriate form

reorganization / decision /transformation / formation /resolution / branch /subordinated / introduced / improved / talented / requirements / established

1. The history of Lutsk State Technical University (LSTU) goes back as far as 1966, when according to the ….. of the former Ministry for higher and secondary specialized education of the USSR the branch of General Engineering Faculty of Kyiv Road-transport Institute was founded in Lutsk. 2. In 1971 the faculty was ….. to Ukrainian Institute of Water Transport Engineers. 3. The first director of the ….. was I.M. Khorolsky and later on V.V.Bozhydarnik. 4. Soon after a full-time education was ….. with establishing the civil engineering faculty. 5. The structure of the branch was being …. and modified. 6. So, step by step, the branch was approaching to its memorable day - April 1, 1991 when the Council of Ministers of the URSR passed a …… T87 on the of ….. Lutsk Industrial Institute on the basis of Lutsk Branch of Lviv Polytecnical Institute. 7. It was a great dream that had come true in sovereign Ukraine, in the time of social taking place in the country. 8. …… of the institution took place. 9. The institute always met the ….. of Ukrainian national economy and the economy of Volyn. 10. In October, 1991 the postgraduate courses were ……. 11. University teaching staff is made up of people, professionals with great pedagogic and life experience.

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 373 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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