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Matrix structure

A matrix organization structure is an organizational reporting structure commonly used for project-based teams. It groups teams in the organization by both their department and their product, allowing for ideas to be exchanged between varying parts of the organization.

Matrix structure is defined as a type of management system in which workers report to more than one person, effectively having two or more supervisors at the same time.

Matrix structure
Advantages: Disadvantages
Conflicts between staff are minimal There is a better balance between time, cost and performance Authority and responsibility are shared Stress is distributed among the team Misunderstanding from dual chain of command Conflicts between two sides of the matrix A lot of meetings and discussions Human relations skills needed Out-of-date and costly method

The matrix structure first evolved during a project developed by NASA when they needed to pool together different skills from a variety of functional areas.

Now this type of structure is used at Procter &Gamble, Harvard Business School and other

Even though the matrix structure has some disadvantages, matrix organizations provide clear accountability within a specific business function and allow more efficient allocation of specialized skills across the entire business.

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 416 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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