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Buildings and Homes

What do you like and what don’t like about the place where you live?

As the saying goes “East or West Home is Best”. The expression is used mainly in terms of our Motherland, our native country. But it can easily be referred to the very place we live in; not only to the psychological spiritual notion of home, but it’s very embodiment–the house. I completely share the idea that there’s no better place than home, the house where we were born, grew up, celebrated family events. Whenever I leave home for a long time, I always want back in my dreams. But to tell you the truth, for me the house itself, the design or smth like that is not so important as the atmosphere my home has. I like that my flat is well-equipped and well-planned. It goes without saying that it has all modern conveniences. I do in fact love my flat, I like for example to tidy it up, to clean the carpets, to water the flowers, to dust the furniture. Fortunately, it doesn’t take a lot of time to arrange everything in perfect order. All the rooms are very cosy and all pieces of furniture are arranged in a most convenient way. What I dislike about my flat is that it is very cold in it during spring, autumn and winter. You see, it’s facing the north side so we get only a little sun during an hour and a half during early morning. But on the other hand, it’s rather cool in summer. I also dislike the fact that it’s a bit too dark in it during the daytime. But on the whole, I must say that I adore the place where I live.

What are the differences between homes in this country and Britain?

The overwhelming majority of the dwellings in Britain are two-story houses built either in rows (terraced houses), in pairs (semi-detached houses), or singly (detached houses), with a small enclosed garden at the front and the bask. In recent years a considerably higher proportion of new housing has been in the forms of flats, and blocks of flats have not become a common feature of the urban scene. Nevertheless, the traditional British prejudice in favour of house has only been modified, not fundamentally changed. An increasing number of people chiefly elderly persons and childless, prefer to live in bungalows.

Despite the old dwellings like Khrushchyovkas (Khrushchov-era appartments) and Stalin-era buildings, the absolute majority of new houses in Belarus are block houses. Affordability of block houses’ flats is one of the most important reasons of their popularity. Such buildings usually have no special decoration and are very similar in their design. Many blocks of flats look similar. Getting to a newly built outskirts region reminds Belarus residents of a popular Soviet comedy where one drunk person confused his own flat in Moscow with another flat in Leningrad - the only difference between the houses was their addresses. The only novelty about today's block houses is the multitude of their colours. At the same time foreign investors have recently started to finance construction of improved comfort buildings. The advantages of their outer and inner design are obvious and citizens consider them as a desired escape from their accommodations’ uniform. Most of the houses in the countryside are quite traditional to Slavic manner, although there’s a big tendency of making these old houses look like European one’s. A couple of days ago I counted over 25 houses with mintol-coloured siding along the road of one village. Incubator architecture is very common. Belarusian agrotowns is another bright example. Since 2005 about 1500 such towns have grown in the whole country. Some agrotowns appeared from scratch, others developed in the already existing settlements. But irrespectively of their history and geographical location, all agrotowns look the same. As with blocks of flats the main difference is addresses and colours.These new buildings are supposed to attract young professionals to Belarusian villages. If they decide to move to the rural area, they can get one of such houses for free.

What things would you like to have done to improve your room, flat or house?

I like everything about my room and my flat, but I’d love to improve my village house so I’m going to speak about it. At the moment it is a real dump and I want to make a real summer and winter house out of it. Well, so far we’ve already finished cleaning up the surrounding area and are getting ready to start working on the house itself. First of all, we’ll get rid of the many old picieces of furniture as to free some space. We will burn it all down. Then we’ll get rid of the collection of rubbish probably in the same way. When the house will look more like a house rather than a dump we will start the actual improvement. You may think that I’m old-fashioned, yet I’d prefer to use wallpapers for the walls. Afterwards, I’ll put some family pictures in wooden frames on them, all the carpets will be taken off! The top will be covered with suspended ceilings. I’m not sure what to do with the floor, but probably I’ll use laminate flooring. The kitchen will be done in country style considering the fact that we have a typical Slavic stove made of brick and clay. The stove also needs to be refreshed as it hasn’t been in use for two years. But this is something a professional should work on. The plot will be covered with grass – I want to make a nice lawn out of it. I’ll plant some flowers like Lavender, Kohia, Bonny Tails, Lupins and Boston Ivy along the fence. I’ve already bought them at AliExpress. There will also be a parking spot for our car. It will be made of brick rubble and sand. I try to use all the materials that were left after the house had been built to spiff up (облагородить) the plot. in a year’s time, I hope that my village house and the surrounding area will look nice, tidy and cosy.

What is your dream house: location, style, the interior decoration, furnishings and fittings and the garden?

I’d love to have a small cosy house in the countryside but not too far from the town so that I could get to work and back easily. The interior should be alike its location – rustic interior style. Modern Rustic is such a buzz term. Everyone seems to be embracing rustic charm and warmth with modern amenities. Personally, I LOVE this style! The key to a modern rustic space is an open floor plan, modern furniture, and preserved and exposed natural architectural elements. The color scheme is very simple with large windows bringing the outdoors in. This style has an informal elegance – comfortable and modern living at its best! Row woods and stone are perhaps the most important feature of modern rustic home. This style brings nature inside. If you have an old home, it is important to preserve the character and original architectural detail! If you build new, expose your beams, use reclaimed wood, or include a stone fireplace. The modern rustics never forget the fifth wall: the ceiling. A-frame homes with cathedral wood-covered ceilings is a perfect plan for such a house. The natural aspect of a rustic modern home carries through to the upholstery, linens, and rugs. Simple fabrics without a print are a common choice. The furniture should be neutral and go as natural as it can! Big widows are another extremely important feature of my rustic modern dream home. A modern home is always open and full of light, making windows a trademark element. Similarly, rustics want their space to feel as close to the outdoors as possible. This style is all about being cozy, so I’ll surely have a fireplace.The whole point of this style is to get all the charm and warmth of a rustic dwelling, with all of the conveniences and style of a modern home. So, needless to say, all the pieces should be modern! Furniture wise, mid-century pieces are perfect for this style — the echo-leather and wood is a perfect material match. As for the kitchen, I want to see all the updates of a modern home! A computer console that allows to control every light switch in the house, start the bath or shower running at precisely the temperature that I choose, lock all the doors and program the air-conditioners will not spoil my ruistic house. The doors will open and shut automatically as I approach. Smoke and fire alarms, gas leak sensors and panic buttons will also be wired in. As for the garden, it will be done in the same ruistic way: flowerbeds out of old buckets, chairs and ladders; wooden fences; a small pond made of stone; stony sidewalks and a cosy little sign on the steel gates saying “Welcome!”

How many people could live in the house? Who would they be?

No more than 4. My husband, me and one room would be a guest room.

What are the advantages and drawbacks of living with your parents?

Advantages of living with your parents:

1) Living on a tight budget: You will save money. One of the biggest advantages of living with your parents is that you can save a lot of money. From rent, utility bills, renovations, shared grocery bills and a lot more. 2) You don't have to do all the housework. Doing the laundry, putting the dishes in the washer, putting them back when they are done, vacuuming, cleaning the living areas from time to time and taking out the trash are just some of the daily chores that need to be done around the house. 3) You have someone to cook you a nice meal when you can't. As a working professional or a busy student, you may not always have the time to come home and fix yourself a homemade meal. If you were living on your own, you would probably have grabbed a takeaway or a quick bite the local joint. 4) Your parents can help with little kids: Big plus for single moms and single dads.5) Familiarity: The feeling of being at home and not with random strangers. Besides being cheaper and more convenient, another advantage of living with your parents is that there is a big sense of familiarity. The house is probably the one you grew up in, and you may find sharing your living space with familiar faces more comforting than with random strangers. 6) The bond of family: You can feel the satisfaction of helping your parents. As you live with your parents, you will possibly get many chances to help them and make them feel better. From taking your mom to the doctors to helping your dad do his silly antics in sprucing up the garden, spending time with your parents as they age gracefully can possibly the memories you cherish forever.

Disadvantages of living with your parents:

1) You don't have privacy or your space. Living with your parents will strip you of your space and privacy and that can be a psychological burden if you have been used to living alone for a long time. 2) You can't call friends over or have house parties. 3) You will be given unnecessary advice on your life. Whether you move in with your mum, dad or both, you are likely to receive advice on your life even if you don't ask for it. From the stuff that you eat, the time that you sleep or the number of hours you play video games for, be prepared to get unsolicited advice for just about everything. 4) There will be clash of opinions: You could fallout with your folks. Always remember that there is a big generational gap between you and your parents. Don't expect them to think like you and most importantly, don't expect them to behave in a certain manner. They will talk and walk in the same way as they have been doing since decades .5) Your friends and colleagues will make fun of you. The inevitable disadvantage of living with your parents is that your friends and colleagues are likely to make fun of you. You will be known as the 29 year old guy who still lives with his mom or the 31 year old single woman who lives with her folks.

6) Your love life is likely to take a tumble. Your parents are not likely to be fond of you calling your dates over at their place, especially if the both of you lock yourself in the bedroom for hours. No longer will you be able to think of quirky date ideas within the confines of your own home. 7) You won't learn the hard lessons of life. This applies especially to guys and girl in their twenties who have never moved out of the house. There are a lot of tough lessons and curve balls that life throws every now and then. And by living with your parents, you could be shielding yourself from some of the hardships life has to offer. 8) Your parents will always treat you as their child. You may be 29 years old now but you must remember that your parents will always look at you as their child. You will always be the little guy or girl who held their hands with his/her tiny fingers while taking a walk in the park.


What are the basic characteristics of our country’s cuisine?

Modern Belarusian cookery is based on old national traditions which have undergone a long historical evolution. But the main methods of traditional Belarusian cuisine are carefully kept by the people. Common in Belarusian cuisine were dishes from potato which is called among people "the second bread". Potato is included into many salads, it is served together with mushrooms, meat; different pirazhki (patties) and baked puddings are made from it. The most popular among the Belarusians are traditional draniki, thick pancakes, prepared from shredded potatoes. A wide spread of potato dishes in Belarusian cuisine can be explained by natural climatic conditions of Belarus which are propitious for growing highly starched and tasty sorts of potatoes. A lot of place in the diet of the Belarusians belongs to meat and meat products, especially to the pork and salted pork fat. One of the people's proverbs says: "There is no fish more tasty than tench, as well as there is no meat better than pork". The salted pork fat is used slightly smoked and seasoned with onions and garlic. Pyachysta (Пячисто - Белорусское народное национальное мясное блюдо. Представляет собой крупный кусок мяса от задней или поясничной части, взятый неразделанным, с подкожным жиром, и запеченный в закрытой посуде в духовке) is one of the traditional holiday dishes. This is boiled, stewed or roasted sucking pig, fowl or large chunks of pork or beef. Dishes prepared from meat are usually served together with potatoes or vegetables such as carrot, cabbage, black radish, peas, etc. It is characteristic that many vegetable and meat dishes are prepared in special stoneware pots. Among dishes from fish the Belarusians prefer yushka, galki and also baked or boiled river-fish without special seasonings. In general, what concerns the most common seasonings such as onions, garlic, parsley, dill, caraway seeds, pepper, they are used very moderately in Belarusian cookery. The choice Belarusian food are fresh, dried, salted and pickled mushrooms, and also berries such as bilberry, wild strawberries, red whortlberry, raspberries, cranberry and some others. The Belarusians prefer to use whole milk which affected some methods of making yoghurt and the so called klinkovy cottage cheese. In Belarusian cuisine the milk is widely used for mixing in vegetable and flour dishes. Myadukha, berezavik, kvas, beer are traditional Belarusian drinks.

How is it different from the cooking of another country you know about?

A characteristic feature of British food is the high quality of the ingredients and the simplicity of the way in which they are used. British food is greatly influenced by local agricultural conditions and depends on geography and climate. For instance, in Scotland, where oats grow better than wheat, local dishes use oatmeal (овсяная мука) rather than wheat flour. Scottish national dish, porridge, using oats, is only eaten with a pinch of salt. Haggis is aScottish dish containing sheep’s pluck (ливер, потроха) heart, liver and lungs minced with onion, oatmeal, suet ['s(j)uːɪt] почечное сало, spices, and salt, boiled in a bag made from the animal’s stomach for approximately three hours. British beefsteak is unsurpassed and is accompanied by roast potatoes, or potatoes in their jackets. England is famous for hard cheeses, they have been made in Britain for 800 years. The king of cheeses is Stilton. English favourites are also Cheddar, Cheshire and Lancashire cheeses. Fish and chips is a popular and relatively inexpensive British dish. It consists of a plaice (камбала) or cod (треска) fried in batter (жидкое тесто) and is served hot with fried chipped potatoes. The dish is sold in special shops (‘ fish and chips ‘shops). Traditionally fish and chips were served up wrapped in old newspaper. Nowadays (thanks to hygiene laws) they are wrapped in greaseproof (жиронепроницаемый) paper and sometimes paper that has been specially printed to look like newspaper. You often get a small wooden or plastic fork to eat them with too, although it is quite ok to use your fingers. Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding is a traditional English family lunch on Sunday. Yorkshire pudding is traditionally served with roast beef. Yorkshire pudding was devised as a means of making use of the fat that dropped while the meat was roasted in the oven. It is a light savoury ['seɪv(ə)rɪ] острый, пикантный dish baked from a batter (жидкое тесто) of flour, eggs and milk. The Yorkshire pudding was traditionally served first. It is often claimed that the purpose of the dish was to provide a cheap way to fill the diners, and stretch the lesser amount of more expensive ingredients. Bangers and Mash (mashed potatoes and sausages). The reason sausages were nicknamed bangers is that during wartime rationing they were so filled with water they often exploded when they were fried. In many countries breakfast is a snack rather than a meal, but the traditional English breakfast is a full meal. Somerset Maugham wrote “ If you want to eat well in England, eat breakfast three times a day”. Some people start with a bowl of cereal and milk. Next there is always something cooked –usually fried, they eat bacon and eggs, sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, potatoes. Yorkshire ham is also a breakfast specialty. Finally there is toast and marmalade, and tea or coffee. Apple pie is a favourite sweet I England. There are lots of ways of cooking apples. The English bake them, stew them, put them in jam, cover them with pastry, to make an apple pie and sometimes they cover them with toffee(ириска) and put them on a stick, to make toffee apples. A special place in the life of the British is occupied by tea. They are the world’s greatest tea drinkers. They drink a quarter of all the tea grown in the world each year.

What is your favourite dish – how is prepared?

The typical Piedmont carpaccio /kɑrˈpɑːtʃoʊ/ is made with very thin slices of beef meat placed on a dish with a marinade made with lemon, olive oil and with shavings of white truffle or Parmesan cheese, and can be topped with rocket. The meat usually used for carpaccio is veal. Since this is a dish best served raw, the meat must be fresh. Less commonly, reflecting Piedmont tradition, carpaccio can also be made with minced meat and garlic, the so-called "carne cruda". Steps: 1. Whisk together mustard, vinegar, oil, and salt and pepper; 2. Slice the steak as thin as possible (this is much easier if it's partially frozen or use an electric knife); 3. Arrange arugula on two plates, top with beef slices, and lightly season with a good sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper; 4. Garnish with shavings of Parmigiano, then sprinkle lightly with vinaigrette and lemone juice.

What is a balanced diet?

What do we mean by a well-balanced diet? This is a diet that contains daily servings from each of the basic food groups: meat, vegetable and fruit, milk, bread and cereals.The optimum diet contains adequate amounts of each of the nutrients (carbohydrate, protein, fat, water, vitamins and minerals). While standards are set to assure proper nutrition, diet also aids in the prevention of disease (heart disease, stroke, cancer). Being aware and keeping a balanced ratio of what you eat will get you on the right track. A diet of 48% complex carbohydrate, no more than 30% fat, (10% saturated) decreasing sugar to 10% and protein at 12% should help the average person to stay healthy. Training diets will differ slightly as individual needs change with the onset of vigorous exercise. The higher energy and recuperation needs should be met with a higher proportion of carbohydrate, 60 — 70%. To compensate and balance you should reduce the amounts of fats and sugar. Breakfast, lunch and dinner with a nutritious snack is a good prescription for good health. Eating late at night makes weight control difficult — watch those late night frozen pizzas! While "junk" food is not of particular nutritional value, it can have tremendous psychological benefit. A program, which totally restricts certain food, is often too fragile for many to follow. Just remember excess within control. If you are able to sustain good eating habits 85% of the time, you are doing well. It is the balance of your total intake you must keep in mind, not just that single piece of cheesecake!

How does diet affect your health?

The term dieting most often refers to the revision of food intake in order to lose weight. Diets are also observed for a wide range of medical reasons or to accord with dietary laws or ethical positions such as vegetarianism. There is a number of problems associated with dieting. Research, has shown that in many cases, diets are successful only on a temporary basis - most dieters regain the weight, plus more, within two years. Many of these dieters try to lose the weight again, a cycle called yo-yo dieting, There has been controversy about the yo­yo dieting's effects on the body, with some studies indicating that it causes problems with metabolism and heart disease. However, a 1994 study disagreed, finding no such effects. Another problem is that many of the commercially offered diets emphasize one dietary element at the expense of others; such practices present health problems. Low-carbohydrate diets, for example, restrict the amount of bread, sugar, and grains while maintaining a normal amount of protein and fats. Most of the initially rapid weight loss from such programs is from the body ridding itself of water and salt. Most people experience fatigue, hypertension (low blood pressure), and dizziness after only a few days on such diets. High-protein diets virtually eliminate carbohydrates and fats. Because carbohydrates are the most readily available source of energy, an all-protein diet forces the body to burn stored fat and protein. High protein diets, requiring complete elimination of carbohydrates, can be used only for the short period of time and are dangerous for anyone with diabetes, kidney disorders, or other medical problems. Diets high in fats and cholesterol are hazardous for persons with arteriosclerosis and heart disease. Formula diets in liquid or powder form, which typically supply from 900 to 1200 calories per day, claim to contain the recommended daily allowances of nutrients; serious health problems have sometimes been reported with their use. As for starvation dieting, this dangerous practice should be attempted – if at all- only under strict medical supervision.

What do you consider to be “healthy” food and “unhealthy” food? What foods do you avoid because they are considered to be bad for you?

There is no secret to healthy eating. I prefer to eat a variety of foods, including plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grain products. I also include low-fat or non-fat dairy products, lean meats, poultry, fish, and legumes. During the day I drink lots of water and go easy on the salt, sugar, alcohol, and saturated fat. Good nutrition should be part of an overall healthy lifestyle, that also includes regular physical activity, not smoking, and stress management. If I drink alcoholic beverages, I do so in moderation. An incredible statistic is that between 30 and 50% of all the calories eaten each day are consumed in the form of between-meal snacks. Unfortunately, the usual between-meal foods are low in nutritive value and too high in calories and refined sugar. Some excellent snacks that should always be available are plain-yogurt, carrots, pieces of apple, cheese and natural fruit juice. Eating yogurt as a snack food is far healthier and more nutritionally sound than eating so-called "junk" food, which is less nutritious and too high in sugar and calories. Salted peanuts seem to be the least popular snacks today. People who diet know that if they stick to a low fat, high-fibre intake they will be able to eat well without putting on weight. Research is indicating that "we are what we eat". Recent work shows that Italians, who tend to eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables that contain vitamins С and E, have low levels of heart attacks. Scots, however, tend to have a diet that is high in animal fat and low in fibre. Heart disease is a widespread problem in Scotland. Now, evidence shows that it is especially vitamins С and E, which control the probability of attacks of angina — the severe chest pains that are usually a warning of heart disease.

We should all “eat, drink, and be merry”. Do you agree?

I guess, I can say so. Although I suppose that we all should eat at pleasure and drink with measure. Some people spend a lifetime fighting a losing battle against spreading hips, protruding tummies and double chins. Some wage all-out war on fat. Mere dieting is not enough. They exhaust themselves doing exercises, sweating in sauna baths, being pummeled and massaged by weird machines. I don’t think it is right. Our life is too short and we should try to enjoy it as much as we can. I’m not trying to say that one should gluttonize (чревоугодничать) or guzzle down (пьянствовать), just be sure to eat a variety of foods, including plenty of vegetables, fruits and exercise more. To be honest, I don’t understand what's all this self-inflicted torture for? It will be a great day when all the dieters in the world abandon their slimming courses; when they hold out plates and demand a second helping.

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