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What are the health hazards (опасность/угроза для здоровья) of modern life?
The world’s health greatly improved in the past century. Major killers such as smallpox and polio have been eliminated or contained. A large part of the world’s population has access to clean water and better sanitation. Medicine can cure or improve many conditions that crippled or killed people only decades ago. Nonetheless, human health continues to confront serious threats, as demonstrated by the recent outbreak of the Ebola virus. 1. Pandemic Risk. Before the onset of the 2014 Ebola epidemic, most people, including policymakers, seldom thought about pandemics (worldwide epidemics)—which explains why the risk of contagion is undermanaged and the Ebola crisis is here at all. 2. Environmental Hazards. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2014), indoor and outdoor air pollution is responsible for 7 million premature deaths a year—one-eighth of global mortality. Pollution kills because people inhale particulates small enough to penetrate their lungs and bloodstream, increasing the prevalence, for example, of cardiovascular and respiratory conditions. 3. Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Disorders. Mental disorders and other noncommunicable diseases (неинфекционное заболевание) — mainly cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory illness—claim many lives prematurely, cause massive ill health, and compromise human and economic development. In 2011, about 15 million people died prematurely (before age 70) from such diseases. The mounting burden imposed by noncommunicable diseases and mental health problems has many causes, including aging populations, rapid and unplanned urbanization, and lifestyle choices such as consumption of unhealthful food (partly because of irresponsible marketing and low risk awareness). Many people suffer from such diseases because of tobacco use and consumption of foods high in salt, fat, and sugar. 4. Antibiotic Resistance. Antibiotics have transformed the practice of medicine. However, a massive scale-up in their use has resulted in an increase in drug-resistant strains of disease-causing bacteria and a global decline in antibiotic effectiveness.
What are the maladies of the 21st century?
We entered the 21st century with such maladies as heart and vascular system diseases, environmental diseases, cancer, AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). The risk factors causing these diseases are poor environment (especially after Chernobyl disaster), constant stress and bad habits. We witness more and more cases when people suffer from such environmental diseases as food allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma, thyroid gland. They all have a huge impact on the quality of life, darken our prospects for future. Alcohol, drugs, smoking, AIDS have also become the reality of our life, especially among young and middle-aged people.
Are people becoming more health-conscious?
Health-consious - describing an attitude in which one has an awareness of the healthiness of one's diet and lifestyle. People nowadays are more health-conscious than they used to be. They understand that good health is above wealth. Healthy lifestyle enables you to maintain a youthful look and live longer. People have started to eat right and exercise more and that is one of the most important things to keep in mind if one wants to stay healthy and live long. More often you can see people eating fresh fruits and vegetables rather than fast food. They are high in fibre and they provide essential nutrients that the body needs for normal functioning. There are also many exercises that people get engaged in depending on their age and health status. Jogging, taking a walk and yoga are some of them. During the exercise their body burns excessive fats and gets rid of toxins. They relax and get some good rest, try to avoid stressful situations as they lead to many lifestyle conditions.
Have your own attitudes to health care changed at all?
I wouldn’t say so. Despite my terrible habbit of smoking, I’ve always tried to keep fit. I avoid eating products that contain too much fat and food additives, enjoy eating vegetables and fruit. I also avoid harmful medicine if possible even though my therapist likes to prescribe antibiotics from any disease one may have. Not long ago I’ve started a series of exercises to keep myself in good shape. A year ago I went in for horse-back riding which made me healthy in body and mind. I wish I could have more fresh air than I do now, but my job often requires me to stay indoors for weeks. On the whole, I must say that I’ve learnt nothing new about staying healthy in the recent years if that what you mean by your question. I’ve always known what was good and bad for one’s health and my attitude towards health care hasn’t changed.
What are the rules for staying healthy and keeping fit?
Regular exercise is an important element in developing and maintaining overall physical health. There is mounting evidence that it reduces the risk of contracting many diseases, including heart disease. The physical benefits of regular exercise are: they improve cardiovascular fitness, reduce blood fat, help to resist stress, reduce body fat, improve strength and muscular endurance, improve flexibility, extend life, help to recover after hard work, improve the ability to meet emergencies. The psychological health benefits of regular exercise are: they reduce mental tension, improve sleep habits, give opportunity for social interaction, help to resist fatigue, give opportunity for successful experience, improve sense of well-being, improve self concept and improve appearance. A well-balanced diet is also very important. It is a diet that contains daily servings from each of the basic food groups: meat, vegetable and fruit, milk, bread and cereals. An incredible statistic is that between 30 and 50% of all the calories eaten each day are consumed in the form of between-meal snacks. Unfortunately, the usual between-meal foods are low in nutritive valueand too high in calories and refined sugar. Some excellent snacks that should always be available are plain-yogurt, carrots, pieces of apple, cheese and natural fruit juice. Eating yogurt as a snack food is far healthier and more nutritionally soundthan eating so-called "junk" food, which is less nutritious and too high in sugar and calories. Being aware and keeping a balanced ratio of what you eat will get you on the right track. A diet of 48% complex carbohydrate, no more than 30% fat, (10% saturated) decreasing sugar to 10% and protein at 12% should help the average person to stay healthy. Fresh air, rest and good sleep are also very important in keeping fit and staying healthy.
What is the difference between western medicine and holistic medicine?
Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person -- body, mind, spirit, and emotions -- in the quest for optimal health and wellness. According to the holistic medicine philosophy, one can achieve optimal health -- the primary goal of holistic medicine practice -- by gaining proper balance in life. Holistic medicine practitioners believe that the whole person is made up of interdependent parts and if one part is not working properly, all the other parts will be affected. In this way, if people have imbalances (physical, emotional, or spiritual) in their lives, it can negatively affect their overall health. A holistic doctor may use all forms of health care, from conventional medication to alternative therapies, to treat a patient. For example, when a person suffering from migraine headaches pays a visit to a holistic doctor, instead of walking out solely with medications, the doctor will likely take a look at all the potential factors that may be causing the person's headaches, such as other health problems, diet and sleep habits, stress and personal problems, and preferred spiritual practices. The treatment plan may involve drugs to relieve symptoms, but also lifestyle modifications to help prevent the headaches from recurring.
Principles of Holistic Medicine. Holistic medicine is also based on the belief that unconditional love and support is the most powerful healer and a person is ultimately responsible for his or her own health and well-being. Other principles of holistic medicine include the following: All people have innate healing powers; the patient is a person, not a disease; healing takes a team approach involving the patient and doctor, and addresses all aspects of a person's life using a variety of health care practices. Treatment involves fixing the cause of the condition, not just alleviating the symptoms.
Western medicine is the term used to describe the treatment of medical conditions with medications, by doctors, nurses and other conventional healthcare providers who employ methods developed according to Western medical and scientific traditions. Other names for Western medicine include traditional medicine or allopathic medicine. It differs from Eastern, or alternative, medicine, in its approach to treatment, which relies heavily upon industrially produced medications and a strict adherence to the formal scientific process. Western medicine encompasses all types of conventional medical treatment, including surgery,chemotherapy, radiation, and physical therapy. The practitioners of Western medicine are doctors, nurses, physical, occupational, and respiratory therapists. Generally, anyone visiting a doctor's office or hospital will receive allopathic treatment. The main benefit of traditional medicine is that the work of allopathic practitioners is subject to rigorous safety and effectiveness protocols. Treatments and medications pass a strict review before a patient can receive them. While some Eastern medicine treatments have been the subject of clinical trials and long-term studies, they are in the minority.
What do you know about the alternative approaches to medicine (Acupuncture, homeopathy, osteopathy etc.)?
Holistic practitioners use a variety of treatment techniques to help their patients take responsibility for their own well-being and achieve optimal health. Depending on the practitioner's training, these may include: patient education on lifestyle changes and self-care to promote wellness. This may include diet, exercise, psychotherapy, relationship and spiritual counseling, and more; complementary and alternative therapies such as acupuncture,chiropractic care, homeopathy, massage therapy, naturopathy, and others; western medications and surgical procedures. Acupunture may help reduce stress and ease pain associated with certain conditions and help with many other health problems. During acupuncture very thin needles are lightly inserted into your skin. Acupuncture has been studied for its benefits with many types of pain. Acupuncturists believe it corrects energy imbalances in the body. Western doctors believe it stimulates natural chemicals in your body called endorphins that block pain signals. Homeopathy, or homeopathic medicine, is a medical philosophy and practice based on the idea that the body has the ability to heal itself. Homeopathy was founded in the late 1700s in Germany and has been widely practiced throughout Europe. Homeopathic medicine views symptoms of illness as normal responses of the body as it attempts to regain health. Homeopathy is based on the idea that "like cures like." That is, if a substance causes a symptom in a healthy person, giving the person a very small amount of the same substance may cure the illness. In theory, a homeopathic dose enhances the body's normal healing and self-regulatory processes.
A homeopathic health practitioner (homeopath) uses pills or liquid mixtures (solutions) containing only a little of an active ingredient (usually a plant or mineral) for treatment of disease. There is some evidence to show that homeopathic medicines may have helpful effects.
Historically, people have used homeopathy to maintain health and treat a wide range of long-term illnesses, such as allergies, atopic dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and irritable bowel syndrome. Osteopathy is a way of detecting, treating and preventing health problems by moving, stretching and massaging a person’s muscles and joints.Osteopathy is based on the principle that the wellbeing of an individual depends on their bones, muscles, ligaments and connective tissue functioning smoothly together. Osteopaths believe their treatments allow the body to heal itself. They use a range of techniques but do not use drugs or surgery. Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. The naturopathic philosophy is to stimulate the healing power of the body and treat the underlying cause of disease. Symptoms of disease are seen as warning signals of improper functioning of the body, and unfavourable lifestyle habits. Treating both acute and chronic conditions, naturopathic treatments are chosen based on the individual patient – their physiological, structural, psychological, social, spiritual, environment and lifestyle factors. In addition to diet and lifestyle changes, natural therapies including botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, naturopathic manipulation and traditional Chinese medicine/acupuncture, may also be used during treatments. Chiropractors use hands-on spinal manipulation and other alternative treatments, the theory being that proper alignment of the body's musculoskeletal structure, particularly the spine, will enable the body to heal itself without surgery or medication. Manipulation is used to restore mobility to joints restricted by tissue injury caused by a traumatic event, such as falling, or repetitive stress, such as sitting without proper back support. Chiropractic is primarily used as a pain relief alternative for muscles, joints, bones, and connective tissue, such as cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. It is sometimes used in conjunction with conventional medical treatment.
Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 1631 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!