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Exercise 11

Paraphrase the italicized part of each sentence choosing the appropriate phrase from the text.

1. Clara, uninvited, thought she might as well come in, and did it.

2. There were plenty of books in the room; and they lay in piles on chairs and on the floor.

3. The man swallowed and nodded.

4. There were so many pictures on the walls that it was hard to tell whether or how they were papered.

5. It was separated from the pavement by a high, ornamented, wrought iron fence.

6. The door of the Denhams' house was covered with wooden panels.

7. The floor was covered with squares of marble.

8. It was such a large, high, long room crammed with furni­ ture and mirrors and pictures that the eye could not at first sight evaluate its size.

9. She did not feel that she had to hide her astonishment.

10. Clara, when she looked closely, could just make out a bed, almost hidden, beneath a cover.

11. There was a great quantity of toys, neatly put in order.

12. Clara felt amazed and charmed.

13. She didn't follow the conversation, so absorbed was she by the visual aspect of the scene presented to her.

14. Over the maible mantelpiece was an enormous oval mirror, embellished with an eagle.

15. And help was coming for there was a whole line of books which she somehow knew.

16. The name on the back, she could just discern it, was some­thing like Candida.

17. Most of the floor was covered by a big elaborately orna­mented carpet.

18. Clara, seeking for help, directed her excellent vision at the distant titles of books.

19. Mrs Denham herself was a suitable inhabitant for such a room.

20. 'Who was that that opened the door and allowed me to enter' asked Clara.

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