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Exercise 20 Translate the sentences paying attention to emphatic constructions

1. The problem does exist, whatever you think about it. 2. Not only does the government support the needy population, but it also subsidizes the entire agricultural sector. 3. Nor should there be distortions in social policies of the local governments. 4. It was not until mid-90s that some progress was observed. 5. It is these facts that drew our special attention. 6. No sooner the committee started operating than the first positive results could be seen. 7. Strange as it may seem, they were reluctant to learn from native speakers of Englsh. 8. The economic growth reached as much as 5 percent last year against 1.1 percent two years ago. 9. Then came the memory of that wonderful time at the seaside we spent together. 10. Hardly ever had we loved and rested so well as that summer.
11. Down below spread our town with its wide streets, beautiful buildings, bridges and green parks.12. Never in my life have I seen such a crowd of people. 13. Should you happen to be there, come to see it by all means. 14. Not a penny of the money did he spend on his own needs. 15. Soon to this difficulty was added another one still more troublesome. 16. Seldom has he felt so pleased with his results. 17. Little as I know about the matter, this argument seems to be quite to the point. 18. No matter how late you come, we shall be only glad to see you.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 618 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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