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Complex Subject

1. He seemed surprised at the news.

2. He seemed much older.

3. This seems to be an important point.

4. The situation seemed to us quite hopeless.

5. This appears to be the only exception to the rule.

6. To me his new book does not appear (to be) so good as his earlier book on this subject.


Transform the sentences, using Complex Subject

1. We didn’t expect that the matter would be so complicated.

2. Why do you think nobody expected that the exhibition would attract so many visitors?

3. Nobody expected that such an enormous sum would be offered for the picture at the auction.

4. Nobody expected that the situation would be so dangerous.

5. Nobody expected that so much damage would be done by the flood.

6. We didn’t expect that the weather would be so changeable.

7. We expect that the time and date will be convenient for everybody.

8. I didn’t expect that they would quarrel over such an unimportant thing.


Infinitive constructions

1. There was nobody to speak with.

2. There is nothing to apologize for.

3. There was a lot of people to consult.

4. There is nothing to worry about.

5. There is nothing to be afraid of.

6. There is nothing to speak about.

7. There is nothing to argue about.

8. There is nothing to be surprised at.

9. There is nothing to laugh at.

10. There is nothing interesting to speak about.

11. I have got no idea how to get there.

12. I have got no idea what to do next.

13. I have got no idea whom to consult with.

14. I have got no idea what to begin with.

15. Why not try to persuade him?

16. Why not suggest something else?

17. Why don’t you apologize to her?

18. This teacher is expected to teach you psychology and sociology.

19. The child likes to be read fairy-tales.

20. She is happy to have been invited to the party.

21. I’m sorry to disturb you.

22. He was glad to have been given permission to leave.

23. She is glad to have been cured.

24. He is sorry to have excepted the invitation.

25. He was sorry not to have taken the chance.

26. He was glad not to have been noticed.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 425 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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