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Modal verbs

  1. You are always to knock before you enter my room.
  2. You are to write your name at the top of each paper.
  3. Mother told me I was not to speak to strange men.
  4. You can’t play football in the park today.
  5. Will you be back early this evening?
  6. Could I have this dictionary, please?
  7. Can I see your railway time-table?
  8. May I trouble you to pass the salt?
  9. You might make a little less noise.
  10. We you be so kind as to help me with the luggage?
  11. We are to be married in May.
  12. Jim and Marry are to meet us at the station.
  13. You must do as you are told.
  14. Soldiers must obey orders without questions.
  15. We are to be there at 9 o’clock.
  16. Military service is compulsory in many countries.
  17. Is there any need for haste?
  18. Must you go so soon? - Yes, I must.
  19. He didn’t need to be reminded about it.
  20. You needn’t have harried.
  21. He’s so rich that he doesn’t have to work.
  22. You don’t have to go to the University 7 days a week, do you?
  23. You ought to start at once.
  24. He ought to have been ashamed of his behavior.
  25. You shouldn’t laugh at his mistakes.
  26. You ought to have helped them.
  27. You ought to have been more careful.
  28. The weather has been excellent and we may expect a good harvest.
  29. Tom asked his father whether he could go to the cinema.
  30. And who may you be?
  31. Your father must be nearly 80 now.
  32. You must have been enjoying yourselves.
  33. They left at 9, so they ought to have arrived by now.
  34. It may rain tomorrow.
  35. That may or may not be true.
  36. I may be away from home tomorrow.
  37. He might have been hurt.
  38. You might have asked me to your wedding!
  39. The news can’t be true!
  40. The box was so heavy, that I couldn’t lift it.
  41. Ht said he couldn’t come to the meeting.
  42. He seemed to be unable to give up his bad habits.
  43. I shall not be able to help you.
  44. As he has behaved badly, he must be punished.
  45. He didn’t tell me where he had been but I knew though.
  46. I needn’t have put on my thick coat.
  47. You needn’t to come there until 9.
  48. Umbrellas must be left downstairs.
  49. Visitors mustn’t feed the animals.
  50. You must be tired.
  51. They must have gone home.
  52. How dare you say that!
  53. I daren’t go there again.
  54. When she was 12 she could read Latin.
  55. You shouldn’t give the baby scissors to play with.


Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 640 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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