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Longman Idioms dictionary 6000 idioms

p.22 sb has a bee in his\her bonnet (about sth)

SPOKEN used in order to say that someone thinks something is more important that it really is and keeps thinking or talking about it: She’s always writing to the BBC, complaining about their use of English; she’s got a bee in her bonnet about it.

BEELINE make a beeline for

To go quickly and directly towards someone or something: The train was full of commuters who were making a beeline for the bar. I’m so shy at a party that I make a beeline for someone I know so I won’t have to talk to a stranger.

p.23 beg, borrow, or steal == to do everything possible in order to obtain something:

Beggars can’t be choosers – spoken – used to say that in a bad situation in which you are limited to only one or two choices of things to do, you have to accept that you cannot have what you would like most: “I need somewhere to go, but I can’t go to his house!” “Beggars can’t be choosers” – that’s the position of women in the workforce today.

Bells and whistles – extra features added to a product that are not necessary but will make people think that it is special: We can’t put the bells and whistles onto a job that will only bring us £2000 of income. Many computer users will never need half of the bells and whistles in this word-processing package.

Bellyful I”ve had a bellyful (of) spoken a rude way of saying that you are bored and annoyed because something has happened too much: You stay if you want – “I’ve had a bellyful. I’ve had a bellyful of her complaints.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 478 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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