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Bag and baggage

If you leave or go somewhere bag and baggage you take all your possessions, and do not intend to return: They quarreled again, and off she went, bag and baggage.

Be left holding the bag

To become responsible for something that someone else has started, even though you do not want to be: The city wants to be assured it won’t be left holding the bag if anything should happen to Birk’s development plans.

Carry the ball

To do all the work, or be responsible for everything, when other people should be sharing the work or responsibility. * OFTEN USED IN BUSINESS OR POLITICS: I’ve been doing all I can for years now – it’s time for someone else to carry the ball.

8. Start/get/set the ball rolling

To start a discussion or an activity, especially by being the first person to say or do something. * OFTEN USED IN BUSINESS AND POLITICS: Plastic recycling was not done much in this country until some of the big supermarkets set the ball rolling.


A one-man band

Used about someone who does every part of an activity themselves, without any help from anyone. * OFTEN USED IN BUSINESS: Advertising agencies can be one-man bands, small outfits, or large public companies. I’m essentially a one-man band, so my costs are very low.


Make out like a bandit (AmE)

SPOKEN to receive a lot of presents or money: I guess she enjoyed her birthday – she certainly made out like a bandit. Connie’s kids make out like bandits every Christmas.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 234 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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