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Dietary Habits

Dietary habits play a significant role in the health and mortality of all humans. For example:

· 13% of the world's population suffer from Iodine deficiency;

· In 2003 it was estimated that vitamin A deficiency causes blindness in up to 500,000 children each year;

· Vitamin C deficiency results in scurvy;

· Calcium, Vitamin D and Phosphorus are inter-related. The consumption of each may affect the absorption of the others.

Kwashiorkor1 and marasmus are childhood disorders caused by lack of dietary protein.

Obesity, a serious problem in the western world, leads to higher chances of developing heart disease, diabetes, and many other diseases.

Concerns about foodborn illness have long influenced diet. Humans have learned to avoid foods that induce acute illness. Some believe that this is the underlying rationale2 behind some traditional religious dietary requirements.

The nutrient content of diets in industrialised countries contain more animal fat, sugar, energy, alcohol and less dietary fibre, carbohydrates and antioxidants. Contemporary changes to work, family and exercise patterns, together with concerns about the effect of nutrition and overeating on human health and mortality are all having an effect on traditional eating habits. Physicians and alternative medicine practitioners may recommend changes to diet as part of their recommendations for treatment.

More recently, dietary habits have been influenced by the concerns that some people have about the chronic impact on health that arise through the consumption of genetically modified food. Further concerns about the impact of industrial farming on animal welfare, human health and the environment are also having an effect on contemporary human dietary habits. This has led to the emergence of a counterculture with a preference for organic and local food.


1kwashiorkor [ˌkwæʃıʹɔ:kə]квашіорко (хвороба обміну речовин у дітей, внаслідок тривалого білкового голодування);

2rationale [ræʃıəʹnɑ:lı]основна причина, розумне пояснення

13.Translate into English.

Їжа - це усе, що їсть людина й інші живі істоти для підтримки життя. Складовими елементами їжі є поживні речовини.

Людина може засвоїти такі речовини: жири, вуглеводи, білки, вітаміни та мінерали.

Жири знаходяться у багатьох продуктах тваринного походження (м'ясо, молочні продукти, риба). Вуглеводи містяться у вигляді крохмалю в хлібі і картоплі; прості цукри є в меді. Білки (протеїни) знаходяться у горіхах, рибі, м'ясі, яйцях, молоці і деяких овочах. Ми отримуємо мінерали з великої кількості продуктів. Наприклад, кальцій є в молоці, йод - в морепродуктах, залізо - у печінці і зелені. Вітаміни, крім вітаміну В12, входять до складу овочів, фруктів та багатьох інших продуктів.

14.Characterise the constituents of food.


Read the following idioms and their meanings. Think of their Ukrainian equivalents. Complete each sentence with the correct idiom.

the fat of the land: the best that is obtained like water off a duck’s back: without effect take with a grain of salt: accept or believe only part of something worth one’s salt: being a good worker, worth what one is paid salt (smth) away: save, store or hoard something (usually something highly valued and in danger of being stolen) the salt of the earth: a very reliable and dependable person

1.I don’t know what Ann does with all the money she earns. She probably..... for her retirement.

2.Many people showed him they didn’t like what he was doing, but their disapproval passed off him.....

3.Walter has a very persuasive way of talking, but you’d better......

4.We went to the theatre or opera every night, and lived on.... in the best hotel in Europe.

5.Ruth is a very dependable person. You can count on her to be there when you need her. She is.....

6.He has only been working here for a month but over and over he has proved that he is.....

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 728 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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