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Hope, go, die, cry, come, travel, put

+ ing -ie → y + ing -e → ing double consonant + ing
listening ... dying ... diving ... travelling ...

4.Write the past participle of the following verbs.

1.break – broke 3.grow 5.finish 7.write
2.meet 4.swim 6.bring 8.read

5.Identify the tenses in bold, then match them with the correct description.

1.He drinks a litre of milk every day. 2.Milk contains a lot of vitamins. 3.He is getting stronger. 4.She has just bakeda cake. 5.She is cookingdinner at the moment. 6.He has been cooking all day. 7.She has phoned him three times this morning. 8.He is always overcookingmeat. 9.She has been cooking all morning. (her feet are aching) 10.They are having party next week. (They’ve already sent the invitations.)   a) emphasis on duration b) temporary situation c) repeated action expressing annoyance d) emphasis on number e) habitual action f) recently completed action g) permanent truth h) changing or developing situation i) fixed arrangement in the near future j) past action of certain duration having visible results in the present

6. Complete the sentences. Use the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets.

1.Jet engines (make) a lot of noise. 2.I (not/live) in London. I (live) in Brighton. 3.The sea (cover) two thirds of the world. 4.Loud music (give) me a headache. 5.We (not/come) from Canada. We (come) from the USA. 6.She (work) from Mondays to Fridays. She (not/work) at weekends. 7.Andrew and Les (not/go) to school by bus every day. Most mornings Andrew (go) by bicycle and Les (walk). 8.You (not/write) to your pen-friend very often, but he (write) to you every day.

7. Complete the questions in Present Simple.

1.’____ to the radio every morning?’ ‘I listen to it most morning.’

2.’____ in Manchester?’ ‘No, he lives in Newcastle.’

3.’What time ____ work every day?’ ‘She usually finishes at 5.30.’

4.’How often ____ swimming?’ ‘I go about once a week.’

5.’____ TV every evening?’ ‘They watch it most evenings.’

6.’____ the guitar?’ ‘Yes, she plays the guitar and the piano.’

7.’How much money ____ a month?’ ‘We earn about £800.’

8.’____ much in your country?’ ‘Yes, it snows a lot during the winter.’

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1699 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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