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Exploring the Causes of Crime

(Part 1)

Various schools of criminology have developed numerous theories of crime causation including learning disabilities or poor school performance, an unsettled home life, familial history of criminality, and hyperactivity. Some observers feel that criminal behavior is linked to certain biological or genetic traits, while others think that some people are driven to commit crimes because they like it.

Research shows at least a correlation between each of the above theories and the phenomenon of the chronic offender. The researches have not, however, been able to reach a consensus on the cause of career criminality.

We will examine the most widely recognized theories of crime causation: choice theories, trait theories, sociological theories, social process theories, and social conflict theories.

Choice Theories. A school of criminology sums up choice theory as follows: before a person commits a crime he or she weighs the possible benefits of criminal activity (which may be money in the case of robbery) against the costs of being apprehended and going to prison. When the benefits are greater than the costs, the offender will make a rational choice to commit a crime. Because crime is seen as the end result of a series of rational choices, policy makers have reasoned that severe punishment can deter criminal activity.

8. Определите тематику текста «C», выбрав из предложенных вариантов 3 правильных, расположите их в последовательном порядке и переведите их.

This text

· sums up choice theory.

· lists basic types of punishment for felonies and misdemeanors.

· lists the most widely recognized theories of crime causation.

· groups criminal behavior into six types.

· enlarges upon the theme «classification of crimes».

· explores the causes of crime.

9. Перепишите вопросы к тексту «С» и письменно ответьте на них.

1. What are the numerous theories of crime causation?

2. What do policy makers reason by making reference to the choice theories?

10. Письменно переведите текст «С».


Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 548 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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