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Places Attractive for Tourists

Tourism is considered to be one of basic industries of economy. Each region of Russia has its own peculiarities interesting for home and foreign visitors. Khabarovsk Territory boasts lots of such peculiarities. In autumn of 2008 Khabarovsk mass media announced the contest of seven miracles of Khabarovsk Territory. 15, 000 persons took part in this contest. They suggested 26 places to take part in this competition. But only seven of them became the winners. Among them are:

Amur Tiger Many times ago the Amur tiger's range included China, Korean peninsula, Khabarovsk Territory and Primorie Territory. Today the main population of the Amur tigers can be found to the Northeast in the Sikhote Alin mountain range. The Amur tiger population in Russia is about 450 animals. From year to year its number decreases. It is registered in Red Data Book.
Dusse-Alin mountain range This “lost world” is located in the middle of Khabarovsk region. As in Conan Doyle’s novel, this is a remote mountain plateau, a land hidden from human eyes: crystal-clear lakes, beautiful water-falls and unique wildlife.  
Shantar Islands A group of fifteen islands that lie in Uda Bay, in the southwestern zone of the Sea of Okhotsk. These islands are located close to the shores of Siberian mainland. Most islands have rugged cliffs, but they are of moderate height; the highest point in the island group is 720 metres. There is no permanent population on the Shantar Islands. The islands are currently uninhabited.
Lotuses This unique plant grows in several lakes in the south of Khabarovsk region and blossoms for a few days. In order to see the lotus blossoming, tourists venture into woods and walk up to their knees in water. The lotus, one of the world’s oldest plants, is an object of worship in many parts of Asia.  
Amur Bridge See Unit VII, Lesson 19.
Sikachi-Alian petroglyphs Near the Nanai village of Sikachi-Alian, in 75 kilometers off Khabarovsk one can see petroglyphs of masks, animals, anthropomorphic images, birds (over 300 images) made on basalt rocks by the method of deep gutter knock-out. Most ancient of them are dated by Late Stone Age (7-6 millennium B.C.). Sikachi-Alian petroglyphs are older than Egypt Pyramids.
Amut lake It is located in Solnechny area. The nearest settlement is the settlement of Gorny. The length of the lake is 960 m, width - 520 m, depth - 18 m. Beautiful landscape and possibility to get there by bus and car transport can give start to development of recreational, cognitive, ecological and scientific tourism in this place.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 455 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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