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Viktor Ishayev: “China Threatens Khabarovsk Region with New Ecological Catastrophe”

China threatens Khabarovsk region with new ecological catastrophe.

On March 1, 2006 Governor Viktor Ishayev stated it on air in his interview for Gubernia ITA TV-Company.

“According to data of world ecological organizations, 70% of water may not be used even for technical purposes in China.

In CPR, there are no sewage disposal plants in enterprises. Dust storms and yellow rains come to us from there. Hundreds of industrial enterprises without treatment works are situated along the Songhua River. Water from this river flows into the Amur River and we know why the water stinks phenol. Chloral clouds come to us suddenly and we can not inform anybody.”

Ishayev maintains that China provides Russia with very scant information about its men-caused and ecological catastrophes or does not do it at all. “We do not know about anything there, e.g. outburst of foot-and-mouth disease, benzol in Songhua, bird flu. Though, our Bikin district is contiguous with China. The country stage-by-stage approaches to ecological catastrophe. Of course, we try to contact them, to solve ecological problems, but it is very hard. Moscow does not always understand our ecological problems, caused by Chinese industry,” he stressed.

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Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 357 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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