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The economy of the Amur Basin includes manufacturing, metallurgy, iron mining, non-ferrous metals, gold, coal, hydroelectricity, wheat, millet, soybeans, fishing, timber and Chinese-Russian trade.
The ecological register of the Amur River numbers 133 fish species. This fish permanently lives in its waters and is distinguished for its delicious taste and big size: grass carp and black carp, called Amur fish; bambusa, big head fish, sky gazer, snakehead, taimen, mirror carp, Amur sturgeon and kaluga fish (great Siberian sturgeon). During fishing season salmons make their way to the upper reaches of the Amur River and its tributaries to spawn.
The valley of the Amur River in Khabarovsk Territory is characterized by the large variety of nature, presence of archeological and historical objects. They are lotus lakes and ancient volcanoes, picturesque and rear valley lakes, the Tyr Cliff with the traces of the Manchurian temple of the XVth century, ancient Sikachi-Alian petroglyphs and so on. The history of Khabarovsk Territory is closely connected with the Amur River.
The Amur River borders on Heilongjiang province of China in the south, Amur Oblast, Jewish Autonomous Oblast, and Khabarovsk Territory of Russia in the north.
Major Amur tributaries are:
• Shilka
• Argun
• Huma (Houmar)
• Zeya
• Bureya
• Sungari
• Ussuri
• Anyuy (Dondon)
• Amgun
7. Answer the following questions:
•How did ancient peoples name the Amur River?
•What peculiarities of this river were taken into consideration by those peoples?
•What peoples lived on the banks of the river?
•Can we consider this river as the river of friendship and cooperation? Why?
•How many fish species are counted in the river?
•Are all of the Amur fish species edible?
•What places connected with the river can attract tourists?
•What types of tourism can be developed there?
•What settlements of ancient peoples located on the banks of the Amur do you know?
Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 418 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!