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Khabarovsk is the City of Merchants

Before the October Revolution of 1917 Khabarovsk was known as the city of merchants. The favorable geographical position of the military post Khabarovka at the crossroads of waterways of the Amur River contributed to its transformation into a great center of trade. In 1864 11 merchants were numbered among not numerous inhabitants of Khabarovka. In the 19th century in the Far East it was possible to observe trade in all stages of its development, since primitive exchange forms and finishing magnificent European shops which satisfied the whimsical and refined tastes of buyers.

Activities of separate trade companies of Priamurye and Primorye show that provincial Russia possessed talented, widely conceiving, competent people whose abilities and extensive knowledge were devoted to the decision of social and economic problems of the Far East. Possessing million fortunes, conducting large business, the merchant class was very sympathetic for social needs and endowed the large sums to schools, hospitals, churches, road construction and other useful projects. Many merchants took part in the city self-management. The merchant class and average bourgeoisie played the important role in the development of economy and culture in the Far East of Russia.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 355 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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