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1. Study the key vocabulary:
fur hunting enterprise – пушной промысел
soundly - умело, хорошо
to grasp the matter – понять суть дела
propagation of the culture – пропаганда культуры
huge fortune –огромное состояние
to intend - намереваться что-то делать
estates - владения
raw material processing factory – завод по переработке сырья
to embody a plan - осуществлять план
outstanding person – знаменитый человек
to get a permit – получить разрешение
glorious history –славная история
2. Replace the following words and word-combinations by the synonyms:
Soundly, to grasp, huge, to intend, estates, to embody, outstanding, glorious;
3. Match the following columns:
to earn to visit America to strengthen modern to organize Y.P. Khabarov’s active to supply with furs to get a permit | fur hunting enterprise soundly propagation of the culture huge fortune to intend estates raw material processing factory to embody a plan glorious history |
4. Find the words from the key vocabulary to match the following definitions:
•a person known by everybody______________________________________________
•to fulfill somebody’s dreams _______________________________________________
•to organize something on a high level ________________________________________
•to agitate how to behave well ______________________________________________
•a great sum of money for life _______________________________________________
•a place where furs are dressed ______________________________________________
•to apprehend something distinctly __________________________________________
Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 300 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!