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Give a summary of the text. 19. Write an essay on the following theme:”Achievements and Losses of Russia in the Far East during the 17th Century”

19. Write an essay on the following theme:”Achievements and Losses of Russia in the Far East during the 17th Century”.


1. History Test: ”What do you know about Peter I?”. Choose the correct variant:

• Peter’s parents were:

a) Alexey Mikhailovich and Nataliya Naryshkina

b) Alexey Mikhailovich and Maria Miloslavskaya

•Peter became the pretender to the Russian throne at the age of

a) ten, after the death of his stepbrother Feodor

b) eighteen when he came of age

•When he was small the country was ruled by

a) his mother b) his stepsister Sofia

•He spent childhood

a) in the Kremlin

b) in the village of Preobrazhenskoe

•His first wife was

a) Eudoxia Lopukhina b) Ann Monst

•His beloved wife was

a) Martha Skavronskaya b) Catherine

•He had

a)14 children b) one son Alexey

•Peter I died of

a) cold b) uremia

•After his death Russia was ruled by

a) his elder son Alexey b) his wife

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 335 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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