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Complete the following radio programme by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form

Interviewer: Welcome once again to our weekly programme in which we ask the questions "If you (29) ___ (be) alone on a tropical island for a month, what two items (30) ___ you ___ (choose) to take with you and why?" My two guests are racing driver Charles Brown and journalist Helen Howk, Charles?
Charles: Well, I think (31) ___ (get) very bored on this island if I (32) ___ (not have) anything to do. So, I (33) ___ (take) a knife and a ball of string. Then I (34) ___ (be able) to make useful things to catch food, and, maybe, build some kind of house to live in.
Interviewer: (35) ___ you ___ (try) to escape from the island?
Charles: If I (36) ___ (manage) to make a boat, I think I (37) ___ (try).
Interviewer: Helen, what about you?
Helen: Well, I definitely (38) ___ (not try) to escape. I'm totally impractical. So, if I (39) ___ (try) to make anything, I'm sure it (40) … (fall) to pieces very quickly. No, if I (41) ___ (have) to spend a month on the island, I (42) ___ (want) to have a good book and a pair of sunglasses.
Charles: But how (43) ___ you ___ (catch) things to eat if you (44) ___ (not have) any tools?
Helen: Oh, I expect there (45) ___ (be) plenty of fruit on the island. And I'm sure it (46) ___ (not hurt) me if I (47) ___ (not eat) meat or fish for a month.
Interviewer: (48) ___ either of you ___ (be) lonely?
Charles: Definitely. I (49) ___ (find) it very difficult if I (50) ___ (not speak) to anyone for a month.
Helen: I think (51) ___ (enjoy) the peace and quiet at first, but after a couple of weeks, yes, I (52) ___ (begin) to feel lonely.
Interviewer: Charles and Helen, thank you very much.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1163 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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