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Use the modal verb may followed by the appropriate infinitive

1) She asked me if she … (to switch off) the radio: if she might switch off …

2) We wish your journey … (to be) successful.

3) Tell him he … (to warn) me and not (to put) me in such an awkward position.

4) The police … (to ask) a driver to take a breath test.

5) I’ll wait a week so that he … (to have) time to think it over.

6) He isn’t going to eat it; I … as well (to give) it to the dog.

7) You … at least (to read) the letter.

8) You … (to write). I’m very annoyed that you didn’t.

9) He said that we … (to use) his office whenever we liked.

10) I don’t think I’ll succeed but I … (to try) as well.

11) Two parallel white lines in the middle of the road mean that you … (not to overtake).

5. Read these situations and make up sentences with may/might as well.

1) A friend has invited you to a party. You’re not very keen to go but there isn’t anything else to do, so you think you should go. You say: I might as well go.

2) You are in a café with a friend. You’ve just finished your drinks. You’re not in a hurry, so you think you should both have another drink. You say: We… What would you like?

3) Someone has given you a free ticket for a concert. You are not very keen on the concert, but you think you should go because you have a free ticket. You say: I… It’s a pity to waste a free ticket.

4) You’ve invited some friends to dinner but they haven’t come. The dinner has been ready for half an hour and you think you should begin without them. You say: We… I don’t think they are coming.

6. How would you ask for permission in these situations?

1) You’re at a friend’s flat. You want to make a phone call. ~ Can I use your phone?

2) You need a calculator. The person sitting next to you has got one.

3) You have gone into a café. There people who you know from work were sitting at a table. You go over to the table.

4) You had to go to a lecture, but you were ill. Your friend went to the lecture and took notes. Next day you are well again and you see your friend.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 827 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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