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Read the following dialogue. Find the modal verbs in it, comment on their meaning, peculiarities of use, and fill in the chart arranging them from possibility to necessity

Possibility Ability Probability Obligation Necessity

John and Anastasia meet on the way home from work.

John: – Hello, Anastasia. Are you going to Uncle Ari’s party next Thursday?
Anastasia: – I may go, but I’m still not sure.
J.: – Does that mean that you’re not planning to go?
A.: – I didn’t say that. I said that there is a possibility that I might not go. It’s still doubtful.
J.: – Why don’t you know for sure?
A.: – Well, I can come only if I get the night off from work.
J.: – I really think that you should try to attend. We all have an obligation to be there. After all, Uncle Ari is the head of the family, and he will expect everyone to come. Remember, he is arriving from Athens and is bringing our newly married cousins, Christine and Theodore. There will be a large dinner. Most of the food will come from Uncle George’s restaurant.
A.: – That sounds great, but I’m having trouble getting the evening off from work. What would you do in my place?
J.: – In that case, I would try to get someone to replace me.
A.: – I never thought of doing that. Perhaps I could convince my friend Barbara to switch with me.
J.: – Oh, you really should try. In fact, you must be there. We won’t have a good time without you.
A.: – Thanks, John. You’ve made me realize that I must come.

Unit 2 Can/Could

The modal verb can has two forms: can for the Present Indefinite Tense and could for the Past Indefinite Tense. The equivalent expression to be able to supplies all the missing forms of the verb can:

I can explain it.

I could explain it.

I don’t think I’ ll be able to explain it when I see her.

Can expresses ability or capability, possibility, incredulity or doubt.

§ 1 Can/could to express ability or capability

Can is used to talk about general ability or capability in present and past (could) in active and passive structures: I can read a little English. George could play the piano when he was a boy. Gold can be found in these mountains.

To express the meaning of ability or capability can is often found with verbs of perception (receiving information through the eyes, ears, etc.) hear, see, smell, etc.: I can hear music. I could smell something burning, or cognitive verbs understand, follow, remember: I can’t/don’t understand what Edwin is talking about. It does not always add very much to the meaning and in this case can is not rendered in Russian: Я слышу музыку. Я не понимаю, о чем говорит Эдвин.

NOTE: The expression to be able to is also used to express ability or capability in present, future, and past but it is a little more formal and less usual than can: Frank is good at computers. He can write /is able to write programs.

Moreover, was/were able to is used to say that ability or opportunity resulted in a particular action, to say that somebody ‘ managed to do’,succeeded in doing’ something on one occasion: She was able to translate the article without my help. = She managed to do it.

Compare these two sentences:

The children could swim when they were quite young (a past ability).

The children were able to swim across the river (a past action).

To be able to is also used in the following structures:

· to- infinitive: It’s nice to go. – It’s nice to be able to go to the Theatre.

· after a modal verb: George might be able to help us.

· in the Present Perfect Tense: Dorothy has been able to translate that article and I’m proud of her.

Could + Perfect Infinitive is used to talk about unrealized past ability or to criticize people for not doing things: You could have helped me. ( But you didn’t help. ) (Russ.: Ты бы мог мне помочь) You could have told me you were leaving. (But you didn’t tell. ) (Russ.: Ты мог бы мне сказать, что ты уезжаешь.)

§ 2 Can/could to express possibility, choices and

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