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Answer these questions. Show that a planned action was not carried out using the modal verb to be to

55) Did they start on Saturday?

56) Did she wear that nice dress at the graduation party?

57) Did he join you in your trip?

58) Did they treat you to a ballet?

59) Did he take his child fishing?

60) Did she keep her birthday?

Unit 8

11 Complete each gap using must, need or have to or their negative contracted forms.

61) You... take an umbrella. It isn’t going to rain.

62) Don’t lose your purse! You... leave it in the bus.

63) Come on. We... hurry. We... be late.

64) We... make our own fun in the old days. There wasn’t any television there.

65) There is so much traffic now. You... wait ages to cross the road.

66) This report isn’t so important. You... type the report today.

Unit 9

Respond to the following remarks to criticise a past action.

67) The accident happened because Tom was driving on the wrong side of the road.

68) He was not careful while crossing the road.

69) She didn’t hire a taxi and missed her train.

70) She left her umbrella at home and was caught in the heavy rain.

13. Respond to the following remarks making the following statements emotionally coloured.

71) You are to go to the dean’s office to tell him all about your problems in your group.

72) Why don’t you go to the station to meet your friend?

73) Your friend is lagging behind the group. He needs your help.

74) Your friend misses lessons very often. You should talk to him to know the reasons.

75) You have done a wrong thing. Now you feel sorry.

Unit 10, 11

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 931 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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