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Walking with Dinosaurs

Walking with Dinosaurs first appeared on British television in 1999. Using modern computer technology, it showed dinosaurs walking, eating, sleeping and fighting sixty-five million years before TV! The series cost six million pounds and it took three years to make. Some scientists said that the programme invented facts about how the dinosaurs lived, but that wasn't a problem for the millions of people who watched it. When it appeared on The Discovery Channel, it became the most popular documentary programme ever on cable TV. The series has appeared in more than ninety countries.

In 2001, British music boss Simon Cowell had the idea of a TV 'talent show' for members of the public who wanted to be pop singers. Thousands of singers-good and bad - appeared in front of three judges and TV viewers could vote for the best ten by telephone, text message or over the Internet. The idea was a big success internationally, and the United States soon had its own American Idol. Similar shows appeared all over the world, from Russia to the Arab world. Diana Karzon, nineteen, from Jordan won the first Arab Super Star in August 2004.

Fawlty Towers

In this classic British comedy of the 1970s, John Cleese plays Basil Fawlty, the owner of a hotel in a small town by the sea. Bast! is always angry: angry with his wife, Sybil, angry with the people who work in his hotel (including Manuel, the waiter from Spain) and even angry with the hotel guests. The last episode of Fawlty Towers appeared more than thirty years ago, but you can still see this classic British comedy all over the world.

Big Brother

Some people loved it, some people hated it, but one thing is certain: Big Brother - the world's first reality TV show -changed TV for ever. What happens when you put a group of young men and women in a house together and allow them no contact with the world outside? And what happens if they are on television twenty-four hours a day? A Dutchman called john De Mol had the original idea, and the first Big Brother appeared on TV in the Netherlands in 1999. More than twenty countries have had their own Big Brothers since then.

b Read the text again and complete the information betow with a name or number.

1 The number of countries where Baywatch has appeared. 14S ____________

2 The year Baywatch first appeared on TV.______________

3 The number of years it took to make Walking with Dinosaurs._____________

4 The number of countries where Walking with Dinosaurs has appeared.___________

5 The person who had the original idea for Pop Idol._____________

6 The winner of Arab Super Star in 2004._____________

7 The name of the most important character in Fawlty Towers.______________

8 When the last episode of Fawlty Towers appeared.______________

9 The person who had the original idea for Big Brother._____________

10 When Big Brother first appeared on Dutch TV._______________

Wordspot feel


л Complete the sentences \J with the correct form of feel and a word or phrase from the box.

about cold embarrassed hot like Uke-dorrrg sick well

a What do you fal like dome

this weekend?
b Do you_______________

something to eat before we go?
с This room _____________:

who left the window open? d Mum, come quickly! Sam says


e I______________ so

________ when I broke

Jose's glasses, f How do you _

Cara's plans to move overseas?
g Your head._____________. I

think you've got a temperature, h Joss went home because she

didn't______________ very


Spelling -ed endings

Look at the spelling rules on page 149 of the

Students' Book and write the Past simple forms of these regular verbs.

a believe

b cry _______________________

с continue __________________

d drop ______________________

e hurry _____________________

f use_______________________

g marry _____________________

h phone _____________________

i stop ______________________

j study _____________________

Pronunciation Irregular verbs

ила Which of the past verb forms in the box rhyme? Add them to I £ the correct list.






Listen and check. Repeat the verbs.


Improve your writing Linkers: but, so, because, then

Correct the linkers to make the sentences logical.


a I'm really tired д ktrt I'm going to bed.

b I couldn't buy anything ее I forgot my purse.

с He's broken his arm because - he can't play football.

d First you put in the cassette, btrt you press this button here.

e We got an expensive new computer this week, se we're having a lot of problems with it.

f The new teacher is very nice, ****** she's very strict about homework.

g It's terribly hot on the beach because - we're taking the children home.

h His boss was angry with him ее he was late for work three times in a week.

i Finish your drink: b«t we must go home.





You are having dinner with people you don't know well. Which of the things below should you do and which shouldn't you do in your culture?

You_______ start eating. You________ You________ You________

a You shouldn't speak with your mouth full,
b You ____________ wait for the others before you

eat with your fingers.

eat with your elbows on the table.

something. You_______ g You________ h You________

make a noise when you drink

put the knife in your mouth.

use a spoon for soup.

put your knife and fork on the

plate when you finish.


л a Rewrite the sentences replacing the phrase in £- bold with can or can't.

1 Is it possible to borrow your dictionary?

Can I borrow your riictit'Hflru?

2 My sister is able to speak three languages perfectly.

-"■zu<£><-- ' -

3 You don't have permission to come in here.

4 Now, it is possible for you to buy cheap plane tickets on the Internet.


5 It's impossible for Renate to come to the party.

Д cart -г Ы?у>- -i h> +h* ynrhf

6 Are you able to read French? I don't understand this.

7 'We're not able to answer the phone at the moment...'

'.-vi'' ал?и <r -и-

8 'Is it possible for us to sit by the window?'

COit- ft.£yl*.'H.r'j> tf>-

b Listen and check. Practise saying the

correct sentences.

have to I don't have to

answer be do worry (x2) write

Jodie is still at school. Her older brother, Ed, left school last month. Complete the conversation with have to l don't have to and a verb from the box.

find get-up" try wear (x2)

[odie: You're so lucky Ed, you (a) don't htwe to get tip

early every day and go to school.
ed: Yes, I know, but now I (b) ■ '• 1 ^'n Л-

a job.

IODie: That's not so bad - at least you

(c) " ■'' ' J" J? homework every



True, but 1 (d) _

application letters and make lots of phone calls. It's boring! Iodie: Not as boring as school - and you

(e)_________ ____ ' _____ a horrible uniform.

ed: Well no, but I (f) ' ' "- '

smart clothes when I go to a job interview.
Iodie: Hm, but you (g) d______________ " ~ -л -е/

the teacher's questions all day... ed: What about the questions at the interview? I


(h) ' _______ to answer those.

Iodie: OK, but you (i)_________

■__ about

about exams.

ed: And you (j) _____________

good all week,

earning money.

iodie: Well, I (k)___________ C_

so Mum and Dad give me my pocket money!

can/can't, have to / don't have to


Ben is going to take his driving test soon. Complete the conversation with the correct form of have to or can.

ben: instructor:

Is it true that there are two driving tests? That's right: you (a) have to take a written test and a practical - that's where you're on the road with the examiner, (b) 0^'"- i take the practical test

That sounds easy... (!)

I take my test straight away? instructor: Impossible! You (m) rl&-s(- *v learn to park first - you won't pass if you (n) £Л ' - park your car!

Short answers with modal verbs should, can, have to


a When we answer questions with modal verbs, we often use short answers, like this.

Should l / you / (5)he / it / we / they go? Yes, I / you I (s)he / it / we / they should. No, I / you / (s)he I it / we I they shouldn't.

Can 11 you / (s)he / it / we I they come? Yes, I / you / (s)he / it / we / they can. No, I / you / (s)he / it I we / they can't.

Do I / you / we / they have to go? Yes, I / you / we / they do. No, I / you / we I they don't.

Does (s)he / it have to go? Yes, (s)he I it does. No, (s)he I it doesn't.


first, please? instructor: No, I'm sorry. You (c)

that test until you've passed the written one.

ben: Htn... Is the written test very difficult?

instructor: No, not really. There are fifty questions, but
the good news is you (d) ^n)J- hfrH -h
answer all of them correctly. You
(e) < get 45 correct answers, so

you (f) d ^i'i. make a few mistakes

and still pass.


ben: (g) ^-''"l you give me some advice

about how to prepare for the written exam?

instructor: Learn all the rules of the road! But there are thousands, so you (h) ' ■' remember everything at once - you (i) h^iifC -4> study a little bit every day.

ben: OK. How about the practical exam?

instructor: Well, on the day, the examiner

(j) -4> see your driving licence.

Then he asks you to read a number plate to check you (k) - ''■ see OK.

b Complete the dialogues with short answers.

1 Can you and Jan come for a coffee after class? No, wc can't. I'm sorry - we have to go home.

2 Do I have to pay for the room now?

д А, У<г*-0#£п^. You can pay when you leave.

3 Should we phone to say we're going to be late? J ko^K ahlbCt i. Here's my phone.

4 Can we leave our coats here during the break?

/ ijr* С-л-л,. But don't leave any money.

5 Do you think I should send a photograph with the application form?

j jas.yni shntM it's better if they can see what you look like.

6 My son is six. Do I have to buy him a ticket?

. It costs half the price of an adult


7 Do you have to get up early tomorrow? f Vfff I Qtpn. i can stay in bed!

8 Can you speak Japanese?

^ ^ 1 lived there for/ten years.

' module 3_

Vocabulary Daily routine

a Complete the phrases with a word from the box.

switch get into have something H> feel have a dream

about something asleep bed dressed of bed off the alarm shower the alarm the light tired to eat,ыр"


1 wake

2 fall

3 get

4 turn off 4t h'<jh + io

5 set H< и

6 get out H M<X 12

b Dave works at night, printing newspapers. Complete the text about his routine with a phrase from part a.

1 started working nights two months ago, and it's a big change to my routine. Sometimes I'm so tired that I (V ^tl Ai-fcf p at work if there's nothing to do. I

at about

finish work at 5.30 a.m., go home, (2).__________ -

it's quite dirty work - and (3)______

7a.m. I don't need to (4)___________ - it's light


u b с d f 9 h i l к I ш n о p q a b с d e f 3 h

Use the clues to help you complete the names of the jobs from page 28 of the Students' Book.


la дм А С ehf

J p_-a.fr £?£

n_u_ r__-

works with animals writes for a newspaper looks after your teeth sells you things buys and sells things can arrest people

you might need one if the police arrest you

prepares food in a restaurant

changes things into another language

makes important decisions in a court of law

designs houses and other buildings

m П О p q

understands how people's minds work

repairs things like water pipes in your house

looks after people who are ill

stops fires

books your holiday

serves drinks

outside by then. I don't (5)
because I usually (6)____


at around

1.30p.m. because of the noise of the school children

playing outside. Often I still (7)_________ because

I don't sleep well and I (8)__________ lots of strange

things, like newspapers covering the sky and making it

dark all the time! I finally (9)_________ at about

3 p.m: 1 (10)____________ (if I can find any clean

clothes) and make a cup of coffee. I don't usually

(11)______________ anything______________, I'm not

hungry undl later.

Do you know the answers to these questions? Read and listen to the article The Secrets of Steep and find the answers.

Listen and read

a How many hours a day do babies sleep?

b How many hours should we sleep?


с Give three reasons why it is bad for you to sleep for less than six hours a day.

d How many hours do most people sleep?

e Do older people need less sleep than younger people?


f Does sleeping more than ten hours help you to wake up early the next day?




abies do it for up to eighteen hours a day: Mrs Thatcher and Napoleon both said they only needed to do it three or four hours a night. Sleep. No one can live without it. But how much do we really need?

Research by the National Sleep Foundation in Washington says that we all need eight hours' sleep every night. Scientists have found that people who sleep for less than six and a half hours a night are more often ill than people who sleep for eight hours. Going without sleep also increases the chance of serious illness. 'Workaholics' who sleep for less than five hours oftendie young, and do less well at work.

The scientists found that, on average, adults sleep for seven hours a night, with thirty-two percent sleeping less than six hours. It also says that the idea that we need less sleep as we get older is completely untrue. 'People have no idea how important sleep is to their lives,' Dr Thomas Roth, director of the Foundation says. 'Good health needs good sleep.'

'But not too much of it,' says Professor Jim Home of Loughborough University. 'Sleep is like food and drink,' he believes: 'you would always like to have a little bit more, but that doesn't mean you need it' Professor Home studied a group of people who could spend as many hours as they wanted in bed; after ten hours they didn't find it any easier to get up in the morning. And people who sleep for more than nine hours a night die younger than people who usually sleep for seven or eight!

Adapted from The Week 4 April 1998 & 30 May 1998.

Real life

Making requests and asking for permission


Put the words in the correct order to make sentences then write them in the correct space below.

a have /1 / water / of / Can /

glass la С b I / call / OK / it / make / if / Is /

phone / a 3 с say / again / you / that / Could

/ please 2 d moment / Can / you / for /1 /

speak / a / to 1 e mind / CDs / look / Do / at /

you /1 / your / if 7-f if / lesson / OK / miss / Is /

English / it / tomorrow /1 / the 5~ g you / over / Could / please /


h turn / Do /1 / the / up / mind / TV/if/you h

1 a: for & we"1 -cA-i-? в: Yes of course, what about?

■ 2 а: 4дЛ>-1, лУ-згс?


I didn't understand. Oh sorry, I said we only

a: в:

have £50 tickets left.

It*'- OK tf ' mo/it *.
_________ pbeitf jip- '>?


Well, all right. If it's a local

■hfi-t. TV?

I can't hear it.


Oh sure - the remote's on

the table.,,


в: Well, not really. Why can't


you come?

4 wMt*r


I'm really thirsty, в: Of course - there's a bottle in the fridge., * i /.; (

я A yrnr *>>?

в: Go ahead. You can borrow some if you want.

8 a: ___ ■■/>'■■■■ ■?

в: Yes, sorry, I didn't realise you wanted to sit down.

Vocabulary booster: studying

•jq a Label the pictures with phrases from the box.

fail an exam get a certificate get lots of homework graduate

learn something by heart pass an exam research an assignment on the Internet

revise for an exam take a course take an exam

b ШШШ Listen and check. Practise saying the words, с Put the phrases in part a into the table below.

People usually like to do this People don't usually like to do this It depends
o«ss an exam    
I ------------ ■    


Pronunciation The letter 'a'

а ШШШ There are a number of different ways to pronounce the letter 'a'. Listen:

2 which sentence:

a introduces the topic?

b gives the writer's opinion?

с gives a reason?

d gives another reason?



/ае/ e.g.: have to /a:/ e.g.: can't /ei/ e.g.: make
    parry*/t ■*■ \&$£* faucet) rm^

b Here are some other words from module 3. Put the underlined letter 'a' in the correct column according to its pronunciation.

3 Write a similar paragraph yourself about one of the topics below. Use the language in the box to help you.

Nowadays,... is more important than ever before, That's why l think that... I think that everyone should... The main reason for this is that... Also...

• the school-leaving age

• military service

• going to university

• learning to drive a car

• learning to use a computer

acrobat alarm architect barman catch dangerous farmer fgst game graduate patient snack stay taxi wake up

Listen and check. Practise saying the

Spelling Finding mistakes

Improve your writing Writing a paragraph


л 1 Read the sentences below and put them £. into the correct order.

a That's why I think that everyone should learn at least one foreign language from the age of eight.

b Also, children are less worried about making mistakes when they learn than adults.

с Nowadays, communication between people from different countries is more important than ever before.

d The main reason for this is that many people say it gets harder to learn a new language as you get older.

in i A


Read the paragraph about Stefan below. There is a total of ten spelling mistakes. Find and


Ste-Pan kas a 'flap ipar^btboeSn -f busking sckool and. starting kis university in anflin&erLiifl'. Di.fere.nt people- flive kim advlsi. about ike. best tkin^ to do -for tkat >jear. His rxajarents tkbik ke skould. jet a job and. e*vi lots o-f tnone^. HU teacker sufl<jests volontar^ work and tells кип not to'uMrr-jfahout tnorvs^j. HU flirlfrsind wants кип to work wiik ker, and. kLs best -friend su^s ke. skouid, teack EntjJisk somewere- mnnj, like кип.


Present continuous State and action verbs


Put the verb in brackets into the correct torm of the Present continuous: positive, negative, question or short answer.

a a: Good evening.

Are uim t'iijt'i)injj (you / enjoy) yourselves? в: Oh, yes! We're having (we / have) a fantastic time, thank you! 1 *i'**'*>g -b a: I'msorry.' b:* мУ^'-'У (I / drive) too fast for you?

в: Yes, t/ги. Qf*-.

Could you slow down a bit? с a: What Ж уг ч фо

(you / do)? в: There's a film on TV, but

(I / not / watch) it really. a: What's the problem?

к /т. loe k/'rwrjer (look for)

my keys. Я/l '-fru g"^: J

(you / sit) on them? a: Oh, yes, here they are, sorry!

It's Sunday, so Virginia

Kh]J- VsO'L 'M (not / work) today. She 's <sp Г л cfo n *} (spend) some time at home for a change.

a: Where Jfb J*""1 9 (you / go)?

в: Shopping. Do you want to


a: I can't. My parents

__, (wait)

for me.

Some verbs describe things which stay the same. These are called state verbs. We don't usually use them in the continuous form. Verbs of feeling: like, love, hate Verbs of thinking: believe, know, understand

Other verbs describe things that can happen quickly. These are called action verbs. We can use them either in simple or continuous forms. He's driving home. He drives home every day.

a b с d e f 9 b

i Tick {•/) the sentences which are correct. Put a cross (X) by the, sentences which are wrong, and correct them.

Are you liking coffee? X Dp you like coffee? __________________

Do you like coffee? /_________________________________________

I'm not believing you! * 'Ж*-'* Ы/г*г€ уг*:- Do you want a drink? _

A-7 rr\.

I'm not understanding him. /-^W ^

I'm hating cold weather!_

I don't understand Turkish. I'm not knowing her name.

Present simple or Present continuous?

^ Circle the correct form: Present simple or Present

a a: What languages are you speaking /(go you speak'7

в: English, French and Italian,

b a: [BANG] Ow!

в: What's the matter - what do you do I are you doing?

с a: What's that song you listen to I you're listening to?

в: It's called 'Angels'. Good, isn't it?

d a: What are you reading / do you read?

в: It's an article about holidays in Switzerland,

e a: Do you smoke / Are you smoking?

в: No, thank you. I stopped smoking two years ago.

f a: Why are you laughing / do you laugh?

в: It's your face. You look so funny!

g a: Does your brother play I Is your brother playing any sport?

в: Yes. Football in the winter, tennis in the summer and swimming all year.

h a: Paul. PAUL! Areyou listening / Do you listen to me?

в: Hm? What? Sorry?

Present continuous for future arrangements


a Look at the family calendar for next week. Write sentences about the four family members, like this: Steve isn't working on Monday. He's playing squash with Andy at 10.30.


Put the words in the correct order to make questions and write answers that are true for you.


a going / you / Where / your / are / this / holidays / year / for



you / week / a / having / Are / this / off / day

,1ч.' '■ '-

next / you / doing / What / weekend / are

0L t L'»^yi sKfAd- //не/1 *--{?

Г 7

future / to / relatives / visit / coming / Are / near / your / in / the

Sit у^гиЛ ЛЫЬеиФ'-^С^

в / j _

are / lesson / English / When / next / having / you / your

i ■ ■ {



      Olwer Ffore-иоя
Mon 7 Artdy iO.30 ист*    
Tues 8 +o Monches+er-fo*- +we nWJj. TVein a.+ oi.45 dflCitr s di 09-15 foo-tball a+ lb.00  
Wed 9   sun* to Tarn s hou±£ after school  
Thurs 10 eintdma. WrH\ Jan and ChHs i^-te^e's +o bobysi+i    
Fri 11   «ee.i ftfutw -fa- lunch -15.00 mee.-nryj cousins m -Нте pant a-r 14.10
Sat 12        
Sun 13  

f meeting / today / you / friends / later / Are / your

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