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1. Гуревич П.С. Культурология: Учебное пособие. - М., 1998.

2. Гуревич П.С. Философия культуры. - М., 1994.

3. Культура: теории и проблемы: Учебное пособие. - М., 1995.

4. Культурология: Учебное пособие для студентов вузов / Под ред. Г.В. Драча. - Ростов н/Д., 1998.

5. Культурология: Учебное пособие для вузов /Сост. и отв. ред. А.А. Радугин. - М., 1997.

6. Культурология: XX век: Словарь - СПб., 1997.

7. Методические указания к изучению курса “Культурология” / Сост. Волкова Р.А. - Пенза, 2001.

8. Философия: Учебник для вузов / Отв. ред. В.П. Кохановский. - Ростов н/Д., 1997.


ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ..................................................................... 3

Лекция 1. ПРЕДМЕТ КУЛЬТУРОЛОГИИ................................. 4

Лекция 2. ПРИРОДА И КУЛЬТУРА........................................14

Лекция 3. ТИПОЛОГИЯ КУЛЬТУР.........................................24

Лекция 4. КУЛЬТУРА И ЦИВИЛИЗАЦИЯ..............................34


НОСТЬ КУЛЬТУРЫ...................................................................42

Лекция 6. КУЛЬТУРА И ЛИЧНОСТЬ......................................49

Лекция 7. ДИНАМИКА КУЛЬТУРЫ.......................................58

Лекция 8. МОРФОЛОГИЯ КУЛЬТУРЫ..................................69

БИБЛИОГРАФИЧЕСКИЙ СПИСОК......................................76


Do you Want to Know a Secret? Your Kiss Is Sweet

Vou Can Never Stop My Love

You Might See Me Cry

Boys Want to Have Fun

f 1 Vi\\\ A\wayb Love VovJ ¥

Question forms Word order

a Michael Aarons, World 100 metres Champion, is in Rome for an important athletics meeting. Write the journalists' questions by putting the words in the correct order.

1 first time / this / Is / here in Rome / your? Is this tn'itr first time here in Rome?

No. 1 first came here about eight years ago. 2 your family / with / here / Is / you?

My wife is here; my children are with their grandparents in the United States.

3 enjoy / wife / Does / athletics / your?

She soys so, but I think she's really here because she likes shopping!

4 life / you / here in Italy / like / Do?

Of course, especially the food and the sunshine!

5 you / about / the Italian champion, Giocomo Zanetti / Are / worried?

Giacomo is a great athlete and a good friend... but I think I can win!

6 you / Do / have / for young athletes / any advice?

Sure - train hard, live a healthy life, and you can be a champion too! ШШШ Listen and check.

laEKTS module 1

Question words


Use each question word once to complete the questions about Parcheesi - the national game of India.

how how long where which who why how many what what-ktrnJ when

Subject and object questions

There are two different types of question with who (and what).

a Who is the subject of the sentence:

no inversion of subject and verb


Who is


b Who is the object of the sentence:


object subject

Who are you speaking to?


inversion of subject and verb

In the Present {and Past) simple we do not use do/did in subject questions:

Who knows the answer? Who dooL know the answer?

What happened? What did happen?

a U/lirit kind of game is Parcheesi?

It's a board game - like chess or backgammon,
b ____________ country does it come from originally?

Decide if who is the subject or object of the questions below. Circle the correct form.


do people play it now?

All over the world - it's very popular in the USA.

__________. does 'Parcheesi' mean?

It comes from 'pads', which means twenty-five.

__________ did people start playing it?

Hundreds of years ago: but it only came to Europe in the nineteenth century.

__________ invented it?

Nobody knows!
__________ people can play?


do you play?

By moving all your pieces to the centre of the board.

_.________ does a game last?

Usually about half an hour.
__________ is it so popular?

Because it's easy to learn... but difficult to play well!

Who(vvarrtsy does want a cup of coffee? Who won / did win the football match last night? Who want / do you want to go with? Who knows I does know the right answer? Who already know / do you already know in this class? Who told / did tell you the news? g Who live / do you live with? h Who lives/ does live in the flat next door? i Who smokes / does smoke? j Who broke / did break my pen? к Who did phone I did you phone just now? 1 Who ivertf / did you go out with last night? m Who gave you / did you give those chocolates? n What happens / does happen at the end of the film?

Present simple

a a Read the text about the Wilson sisters.

6 She stays in a hotel when she comes to Britain.

7 They see each other every weekend.

Jennifer and Rosemary Wilson are twin sisters, and they're both famous... but they have very different lives!

Jennifer lives in London: she's a well-known TV presenter, and she gets up at 3 a.m. every day to introduce the popular breakfast TV show Good Morning UK.' She finishes work at about 10.30 a.m.

Rosemary is a professional tennis player: she now lives in Beverley Hills, USA with her American husband, Ron. Rosemary comes to England two or three times a year to play: she always stays with her sister.

с Write questions.

1 it-'lu'rc does Jennifer ifilsmr


She lives in London.

At 3 a.m.

At about 10.30 a.m.

In Beverley Hills.

Two or three times a year.

b Correct the information in the sentences below. Use the information in the text.

1 Jennifer and Rosemary have very similar lives.

Theu don't have very similar \ives, they have very different lives.

2 Jennifer and Rosemary live in the same country.

3 Jennifer lives in the United States.

To play tennis.

With her sister.

d Listen and check.

Practise the pronunciation of the questions.

4 She works in the evening.

5 Rosemary plays golf.

module 1

Short answers


Question Do youl they play tennis? Does fsihe like ice cream?

When we answer questions, we often use short answers, like this:

Short answer

Yes (sthe does.

Ves, I / they do. or No, 11 they don't

or No, Isfhe doesn't.

once twice

three times four times, etc.

day week month year

1 Do you like pasta? 2 Do you live near the sea? 3 Do you smoke?

a Answer these questions about yourself. Use short answers.

Yes, I do.

b Answer these questions about someone you know well (for example, your mother or your best friend). Use short answers.

1 Does he/she wear glasses? ________________________________________

2 Does he/she live near you? _______________________________________

3 Does he/she drive a car? _________________________________________

с Answer these questions about Jennifer and Rosemary Wilson. Read the text again if necessary. Use short answers.

1 Do they live in the same city?_____________________________

2 Do they have the same job? ________________________________

3 Do they often visit each other? ___________________________

4 Do they look similar? _____________________________________

Frequency Adverbs


Complete each sentence with a frequency adverb so it is true for you. Be careful to put the adverb in the correct position in the sentence.

always often sometimes occasionally never


a I^watch TV in bed.

b I am late for work/school.

с I play computer games.

d I go to the opera.

e I cook a meal for my friends.

f I eat chocolate.


Replace the phrase in bold with a frequency phrase. Use the word in brackets to help you.

a 1 go to English lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

I go to English lessons

twice д шеек ______. (week)

b We usually go on holiday in April, in July and in December.

We usually go on holiday

______.______________ • (year)

с We go swimming every Sunday.

We go swimming
_____________________. (week)

It's important to visit the

dentist every six months.

It's important to visit the dentist

______________________ - (year)

My friend goes running on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.

My friend goes running

. (week)

I check my e-mail in the morning and in the evening. I check my e-mail

______________________ ■ (day)

I go to visit my cousin in Bristol

about every four weeks.

I go to visit my cousin in Bristol

____________________. (month)



Vocabulary booster: sports

a What are the sports and activities below? Use the pictures to help you.


sellabba baseball b ЩЕ9 Listen to the spelling and pronunciation

2 yCciign of the words. Practise the pronunciation.

3 inksiq _________________________

с Write the names of:

4 qwimsmin

1 one sport which needs gloves, boxing

5 cie-itonksg _____________ -__________

2 five sports which use a ball. ________

6 eshor-idngir _______________ -_________

7 bleat ninset

3 four sports which need water, ice or snow.

Sleblaktabs ____________________________


4 four sports in which you ride on something.

10 mistcangys __________________________

11 1 о b v a 1 e 1 у 1

5 three sports you do in a gym.__________


13dosnibrgwoan 6 two sports in which you have one opponent.

14 guryb __________________________

15braktseogdnia ? four spom for which yQU often have Q referee

Vocabulary Leisure activities


л Put the words in the box in the correct \J column.

a Complete the phrases with a verb from the box.

chess gym football guitar cinema table tennis violin park computer games shopping beach skiing ice-skating trumpet piano dancing

1 2 3 4 5 б 7 8

do eat get go for a listen to read rent" watch


a DVD a video a magazine a newspaper in out

some exercise fit

music the radio walk run yoga

an activity a film a match

go go to the play play the

Real life

Questions you can't live without

Correct the mistakes in the questions.

a I can help you? Can I kelp иш?

Ь Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in part a.

1 My boss reads a newspaper every day.

2 My cousin__________ yoga every morning before

DVDs: I prefer to go to the _ the radio in the car? ________ _flt? ________ a football match live, or


3 I never_____


run after
8 We

4 Do you__________

5 What can I do to

6 Do you prefer to. on TV?

7 My colleague and 1 sometimes work.

out two or three times a month at our

b How much is this cost?

с What time is?

d When's your date of birth?

e Where do you from?

f Where is the toilets, please?

g How do you spelling your name?

h Sorry, you repeat that, please?

favourite Greek restaurant.

Phrases with go and play

go + activity

(= verb + -ing) go skiing i Where part of Turkey are you from?

j Where's nearest post office?

к How long time are you going to stay?

go to the + place
play + sport/game

play the

musical instrument

go to the gym play football, play cards

play the guitar

1 You speak English?

Pronunciation The Ш sound

Improve your writing Punctuation

The word teacher has two syllables: teach-er


The first syllable is stressed (it is stronger and louder).

The second syllable is unstressed, we often pronounce unstressed syllables: faf.

The word Internet has three syllables: Internet


The first syllable is stressed.

The second syllable is pronounced: Ы

1 nev-er

а ЩПКЛ Listen to the words below. Notice the stress on each word. Write fal under the syllable or syllables which are pronounced fal.

2 апьЫ-tion

8 foofbol-ler

9 pop-ular

3 computer 10 re^fe-ree

А В С D capital

full stop

a comma


We use these for the initial letters of: names of people, towns, countries, languages, and at the beginning of a sentence.

My brother Frank teaches

English in Italy.

We use this at the end of a sentence©

... end of a sentence.

a We use this to separate things in a list:

She likes eating out, films, music

and dancing. (before the last item, we use and instead of a comma) b We also use a comma to show a short pause:

... in Sydney, the biggest city in

Australia, you...

We use this to show contracted forms, and with possessive s:

I'm twenty-six years old.

When's she arriving?

We've got a dog and two cats.

Zoe's friends are in Barcelona.

4 ex-ercise

11 excellent

5 yo-ga

12 O'ppo-nent

In the paragraph below:

7 lei-sure

6 profes-sional 13 oft-en

14 terrific

a put a full stop, comma or an apostrophe in the spaces marked _.

b change twenty letters into capital letters.

b Listen again and practise the pronunciation of the words.

'everybody thinks Lm a typical englishwoman,' actress kate thomson told Go! magazine. 'I really donj know why when she was eighteen^ kate left england_ she lived first in canada_ then morocco_ where she met trench film producer serge roux_ the couple now live in paris with their three children: patrick_ james and lucie_ 'We_re so happy here. It_s nice to have children who can speak both english and frenchj 0

Past simple Regular and irregular verbs

appear drive 9° make begin eat happen meet buy fall know play come feel live read cost find look take die get lose write invent think forget stay sing

Complete the past forms of the verbs below. Use the list on page 157 of the Students' Book to find out which verbs are irregular.

appear ed dr _ ve



beg _ n _t_

happen __ m _ _ bou _ _ t

fe__ kn _ w

P*ay - -с _ me






look _ _



Io__ wr_ te


tho____ t

forg stay s _ ng

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past simple.

The First TV Soap Opera

soap op e ra/. /л tCl^vismn!

or radio smryaboouhe daily hvesof ihe same group of people, wh.ch.s broadcast regularly

Ihe first TV soap opera (a) appeared (appear) on American television just after the Second World War.

Its name (b)_____________ (be) Faraway Hill and it

(c)____________ (begin) on 2nd October 1946. A famous

Broadway actress, Flora Campbell, (d)________________ (play)

Karen St. John, a rich New York woman who

(e)____________ (go) to live with her relatives in the

country after her husband (f)_______________ (die). She soon

(g)____________ (meet) a handsome young farmer, and of

course the two immediately (h)_______________ (fall) in love.

Unfortunately, the farmer (i)_______________ (be) already

engaged to Karen's cousin, who (j)_______________ (know)

nothing about the relationship. When she (k)_________________

(find) out, things (1)______________ (get) very, very difficult

for Karen. The producers of Faraway Hill (m)__________________

(have) very little money - each programme

(n)____________ (cost) only $300 - so they (o)_________________

(make) them as quickly as possible. Because there

(p)____________ (be) no time for the actors to learn their

words each week, assistants (q)_______________ (write) them

on blackboards. Because of this, they often (r)_________________

(look) into the distance with a strange, romantic
expression on their faces... as they (s)_________________ (read)

their words from the boards on the other side of the studio!

Negatives and affirmatives


Correct these sentences about Faraway Hill.

a The first TV soap opera appeared before the Second World War.

It didn't appe.gr before the Second World War, it appeared fitter the second

World War. ___________

b It began in October 1936.

did, was or were in questions and answers


Yesterday evening Ruth had her first date with Oliver. Her younger sister, Emma, is asking her about it.

a Complete Ruth and Emma's conversation with was/wasn't, were/weren't or did/didn't.

It was about a rich farmer who moved to New York.

was your evening with Oliver?

e: so how (1)

r:________ It (2) good. Yes, very good.

e:______________ Mm... where (3) you go?

r: To see the new James Bond film.

e:_______ (4) it good?

r:__________ Well, it (5) really the kind of film 1 like, you know, I'm not a

James Bond fan, but it (6)________ quite funny.

d The woman fell in love with her cousin.

e Her lover was married to her cousin.

f The producers of the

programme had a lot of money.

g The assistants wrote the actors' words on pieces of paper.

you go anywhere after that?

R: We went to that new bar opposite the cinema - a few of Oliver's friends

(8).________ there.

e: (9)_______ they nice?

R: The boy, James, (10)_________ quite nice, but the two girls

(11)_________ very friendly - they (12)________ talk to me at all, not

a word.

e: That (13)________ very nice! How rude!

R: But, anyway, they (14)_________ stay long - they left after about twenty

minutes... and then we stayed and talked for an hour or two... he
(15)_________ really, really funny!

e: Mm, very nice! (16)________ he buy you dinner?

r: No... but he bought me a few drinks...

e: Mm, and (17)_________ he bring you home in his new sports car?

r: Yes... why?

e: So, (18)_______ he very romantic?

R: Emma, mind your own business!

e: And (19)_________ he ask to see you again?

R: Yes, he (20)________, actually... now go away!

e: Mm... very interesting!

Listen and check.

Time phrases often used in

the past ago


Answer at least six questions below about yourself. Use ago in your answers.

q When did you first start learning English?

I first started learning English three ijears gap. b When did you first learn to write?

с When did you first use a computer?

d When did you first send an e-mail?

e When did you first go abroad?

f When did you last watch or listen to the news?

g When did you last make a phone call?

h When did you last wash your hands?

i When did you last watch a film?

j When did you last write a letter to a friend?

in, at, on

^ Complete the gaps with in, at, on or -.

a My grandmother was born 1939.

b I'll meet you at the cinema________ 8.30.

с I met Kerry in the street._____ last week - she

looked very well.

d My mother-in-law usually comes to stay_________


e I've got a doctor's appointment________ Friday


f My cat sleeps on my bed__________ night.

the 1970s.

g Pip often goes abroad_________ the winter.

h Bob moved to New York


Words to describe feelings


Choose one of the adjectives from the box on page 19 of the Students' Book to complete the sentences below.

a When Amanda didn't come home from her night out, her parents felt very worried.

b The night before her birthday, Anna was so
___________ she couldn't sleep.

с After a terrible day at work, I got home, listened to some music and had a bath. Then 1 felt more

d I wanted a new DVD player for my birthday, but all I got was a stupid computer game. I was really

e OK, OK, I'm nearly ready to go. Don't be so


f It was a beautiful sunny day, and as I walked

to work, I was___________.

g The film was nearly three hours long. A lot of people

got____________ and left before the end.

h I was___________ to see David in London:

I thought he was in Paris! i Frank woke up and heard a noise downstairs.

He was so____________ he couldn't move.

j My new hair cut looked horrible: I was too

___________ to go out.

к I'm sorry. 1 lost the CD you lent me. Please don't be

1 People often feel a little important exam.

before an

Vocabulary booster: TV programmes


a Which TV programmes are the sentences below about? Write the number next to the word in the box.

a cartoon a soap opera a comedy
a drama a sports programme the news
a same show a documentary a talk show
a cookery programme

1 You can win a lot of money, but I wouldn't like to do it, I'd be too nervous!

2 It's on about four times a day. 1 usually watch it at nine or ten o'clock.

3 My favourite is Mickey Mouse, but my brother likes The Simpsons.

4 I learnt how to make a delicious fish and rice dish the other day.

5 It was about all the dangerous spiders that live in Australia: very scary!

6 I stayed up late to watch the match, and my team lost!

7 It made me laugh and put me in a really good mood.

8 It has famous people who answer questions and talk about themselves.

9 My sister always watches it when she comes home from school. She wants to be like Kelly, the Randies' teenage daughter.

10 It was an interesting story, and the actors were really good, but 1 didn't like the sad ending: I cried and cried.

b Answer the questions.

1 Which types of programme can you also see at the cinema?

2 In which types of programme are all the people actors?

3 Which types of programme do you watch regularly?

4 Which types of programme do you never watch?

Listen and read

/Л а Ш££М Read and listen to the text about TV classics.



Pop Idol

What are the most popular TV programmes in your country? Here are Jive classic TV programmes which are famous in many parts of the world.


Internationally, Baywatch is the most popular TV show in history. Baywatch has appeared in 148 countries in every continent -except Antarctica! - which means that about one half of the world's population has seen it at some time. From its first episode in 1989, this TV drama had everything: beautiful young men and women in swimming costumes, fantastic sunshine and perfect California beaches. And it wasn't just men who liked it. Sixty-five percent of the people watching it were female.

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