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Office building for administration of student affairs, technical university of brunswick, germany

This office building is a two-storey one with a basement. Its overall dimensions are 30.25 x 15.25 m, while its height above ground level is 6.48 m. Each storey height is 3.06 m, the ceiling height being 2.60 m. The basement of the building is partly above ground level.

In transverse direction the structure is made up of three-storey rigid frames, comprising three 5 m bays spaced at 5 m centres, so that the columns are arranged on a square grid. In the longitudinal direction temporary underfloor beams subsequently removed after the floors were concreted were used as an aid for erection. Wind forces are transmitted trans­versely by rigid frame action and longitudinally by rigid interconnection of two transverse frames.

The external columns are rectangular box-section members (200 x 240 mm with 8 mm plate thickness) placed 65 mm outside the plane of the facade. The internal columns are rolled sections; transverse beams for the rigid frames are I 60 to 320. The bottom beams are pin-jointed to the external columns in order to reduce the bending moments in these columns in the bottom storey. Rigid frames of the structure were erected with the aid of fitted and high-strength friction-grip bolts. Reinforced concrete ribbed floors span between transverse beams, the imposed load on floors being 500 kg/m2.

For the facades timber cladding units strengthened by vertical steel sections were used. The units are 13.5 cm thick and have a high value of a thermal resistance.

As the site subsoil consists of fine and medium sand to 2.00 m below the surface with permissible bearing pressure 4 kg/cm3 the col­umns have pad foundations while the basement walls are supported on strip footings.


fitted bolt монтажный болт

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 360 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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