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Faculty of Sciences complex, university of paris

The Faculty of Sciences is a number of buildings with 400 000 m2 of effective floor area. The site, measuring 333 x 275 m, is subdivided into rectangular bays, five in each direction. Vertical circulation cores, of reinforced concrete construction, connected to the five-storey buildings which are raised on pilotis, are located at the intersections of the grid lines. Each of the 33 vertical cores contains two spiral staircases, lifts and shafts for services.

The longer buildings are 53.6 x 18.0 m, while the shorter buildings are 41.6 x 18.0 m. The vertical cores are 9.50 m in diameter.

The reinforced concrete basements are sur­mounted by the circulation cores. The latter are linked by structural steel frames consisting of two rows of tubular columns, exposed outside the longitudinal facades of each building and interconnected in the transverse direction by floor beams. Each upper floor comprises a central longitudinal beam resting on pin-jointed columns which are supported on transverse girders spanning over the entire width of the ground floor. Every alternate external column is intercepted and carried by an edge girder at first floor level. Thus, while the tubular columns are spaced at 3.00 m centres at ground level, they are, like the transverse floor beams, at 1.50 m centres in the storeys above. Wind forces are transmitted through the floors to the concrete cores, to which the floor booms are connected. Connections between the ends of the beams and the anchor plates embedded in the concrete absorb wind forces elastically and also allow up to 8 mm change in length in the building as a result of thermal expansion.

The tubular columns are 219 mm dia x 25 mm thick on the ground floor and 168 mm dia x 6.3 and 4.5 mm thick in the upper storeys.


Faculty of Sciences факультет естественных наук

thermal expansion температурное расширение

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 308 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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