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Terminal building at orly airport, france

The building is an airport passenger terminal. It can be used by eight aircraft at the same time at two pier­heads, these being situated on each side of a main building to which they are connected by two-storey link buildings. The latter each terminate at one corner of the pierhead structure which is square on plan and of which the three other corners have short projecting structures from which access to and from the aircraft is provided by telescopic gangways. Other gang­ways are connected to the four sides of the pierhead structure.

The pierheads are of three-storey construction plus a basement under the whole area of the building. The first two storeys are connected to the main terminal building by two walkways for passengers. The basement is linked to the main building by an underground passage. The recessed top storey contains technical equipment, the passengers having access to the roof terrace around it. The square pierhead buildings measure 45.20 x 45.20 m overall.

The reinforced concrete basement is surmounted by a steel frame comprising two-storey high columns that are rigidly connected in both directions by floor beams. All wind forces are transmitted by portal frame action. Columns are spaced on 8.28 m square grid and consist of HE 300A sections, some parts of which are strengthened with welded plates. All columns are fixed at the base. The main floor girders are rigidly connected to the columns by means of end plates. Structural continuity of the four girders meeting at a joint is further ensured by 25 mm thick gusset plates bolted to their top and bottom flanges, the columns extending continuously through holes formed in the gusset plates. Girders on the first floor cantilever 1.90 m, those of the second floor - 6.40 m, beyond the external columns. The ends of the girders are interconnected by edge beams.

In one direction, secondary girders are connected midway between the main girders. In the other direction, floor beams at 1.04 m centres carry a floor consisting of 3 cm thick precast concrete slabs and 4 cm thick in-situ concrete topping. The imposed load is 500 kg/m2.

The subsoil is fine to medium sand, the water table being below foundation level. The foundation consists of pad footings under columns and strip footings under basement walls. The bearing pressure on soil is 2.5 kg/cm2.


aircraft n. самолёт

airport passenger terminal аэровокзал

pier­head n. пирс

telescopic gangway телескопический трап

walkway n. пешеходная дорожка

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. What buildings does the airport passenger terminal consist of?

2. How is circulation within the buildings provided?

3. What does the superstructure consist of?

4. What are the wind forces transmitted by?

5. What is the structure of the floor of the building?

6. What are the features of the building substructure (подземная часть здания)?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 415 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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