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Library in pantin, france

This library is accommodated in a two-storey building subdivided into five equal units: the central unit and four other units which are connected in pairs to two opposite sides of the central one. Under the central unit there is a basement with underground passages to link it to the other units. The main staircase is in the entrance hall, while two spiral staircases are located on the outside of the building. Each unit measures 12.60 x 12.60 m on plan.

Each of the five units composing the building is supported by four intersecting rigid portal frames. The frames of adjacent units comprise columns shared in common, while on the free sides the columns are located at the quarter points of these sides and stand 60cm in front of the facade. The portal frames span 12.60 m and are 6.30 m apart. In one direction the upper floor comprises beams pin-jointed to the portal frame columns and supported at the centre by a column. In the other direction beams span only between these floor beams and the portal frame columns. The edge beams are IPE 300. These beams support a reinforced concrete slab, 18 cm thick, enclosed at its outer edge within a U 230 channel section.

Each unit has a roof in the form of a 1.75 m high pyramid set diagonally so that the inclined surfaces are parabolic hyperboloids. A cold-formed edge beam is connected through brackets to the columns of the portal frames and is, at the centre of each face of the building, tied back to the intersection points of the upper portal frame beams. The four hip rafters, each composed of two U 200 channel sections, are connected at the apex of the roof, their lower ends being supported on the edge beams. The edge beams and hip rafters support timber beams which in turn carry rafters and battens.


hyperboloid n. гиперболоид

shared in common действующий совместно (поддерживающий смежные элементы)

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 324 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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