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It is a residential accommodation for students comprising 96 rooms located on eight floors. Vertical circulation is provided by two lifts and a services shaft in the internal reinforced concrete core. The ten-storey high-rise building is rectangular on plan with overall dimensions of 40.60 x 10.20 m., the height above ground level being 38.21 m. A low-rise building, which comprises ground floor and basement and is shaped like two cubes displaced in relation to each other, is structurally separate from the main building.
Rigid frame system with suspended storeys is used in the construction. Three steel portal frames, spanning 12.90m at 14.50m centres, each with two transverse girders is placed at the top and mid-height of the building respectively. At these two levels the portal frames are rigidly interconnected by longitudinal girders on the centre-lines of the portal columns and on the centre-line of the building. The longitudinal girders cantilever 5.80 m beyond the end columns of the portal frames, and the ends of these cantilevers are joined together by edge girders. Cross-beams arranged at 2.90 m centres span between the horizontal members. A block comprising four storeys is suspended from the transverse and longitudinal girders both at the top and mid-height of the building. The floors of these storeys function as rigid horizontal decks, being braced by lattice girders arranged around the perimeter. The second and seventh floors of the building are connected by horizontal abutments to the portal frame columns.
Wind forces in both directions are distributed uniformly by the floors to the rigid hangers and are transmitted through the floor abutments and upper hanger connections to the main structural system of the building. The portal columns are fixed at the base, thus reducing deformation. Portal columns, cross girders, longitudinal girders and edge girders are of box section. Structural connections are welded. Each column was erected in six units. Each cross-beam consists of two rolled steel sections with 150 mm space between them for the bolted attachment of the hangers.
Floors are made up of steel decking on floor beams, with 9 cm in-situ concrete topping provided with reinforcement in upper surface.
cube n. куб
floor abutment опора перекрытия
Ответьте на вопросы к тексту
1. How many buildings does this development consist of?
2. How is vertical circulation within the building provided?
3. What system is used in the construction?
4. How are cross-beams arranged?
5. How are wind forces transmitted?
6. What was used for the structural connection of the elements?
7. What are floors made up of?
Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 352 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!