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Jolly hotel, Rome

The structural design was made by G. Covre, M. Ferretti, Rome. The hotel has 170 bedrooms on seven upper floors. The building is divided into groups, each comprising from two to five bedrooms, arranged on both sides and at the ends of a central corridor.

The hotel has an irregular shape on plan with maximum overall dimensions 66.0 x 29.0 m. The height above ground level is 25.0 m.

The functional division of the building is clearly shown in its construction. In front of the glazed areas of the individual groups of rooms are columns, each consisting of two channel sections U 240, spaced at 10.35 and 6.90m centres and interconnected by facade beams comprising two channels U 450. Along the corridors there are internal columns HE 300 B with 600 mm deep welded longitudinal plate girders. I 450 cross beams span between the longitudinal girders and fascia beams in the two outer walls and I 600 beams in the bed­room walls. Stubs of the cross beams, whose top flanges are flush with the top flanges of the fascia beams, are welded to the fascia beams to serve as brackets to support the sun-screens and flower-boxes.

The floors consist of 6.5 cm deep steel sheet troughing with concrete cover of 60 cm, supported by secondary beams IPE 160 spaced at 1.76 m centres and spanning between the cross beams. The imposed load is 250 kg/m2. Wind forces are transmitted through the floors to the reinforced concrete walls of the staircases and lift shafts.

Windows have wooden frames and plate glass with high degree of sound insula­tion. Spandrel panels, 80cm deep, are faced with safety glass.


flower-box цветочный ящик

flush adj. заподлицо, вровень

plate glass листовое стекло

safety glass безосколочное стекло

sun-screen противосолнечный козырёк

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. Who was the structural design of the hotel made by?

2. What are the maximum overall dimensions of the hotel?

3. What is the column spacing?

4. Why are stubs of the cross beams welded to the fascia beams?

5. What are the floors made of?

6. What are they supported by?

7. How are wind forces transmitted?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 451 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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