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SPEAKING. Read the dialogue in pairs and do the following exercises. 1 – I hear that Sam lost his job


Read the dialogue in pairs and do the following exercises.

1 – I hear that Sam lost his job. Did you hear that, too?
2 – I did hear something about his job being abolished.
1 – What a terrible thing to happen now, just when he and Helen are expecting their first baby!
2 – It is a shame, I’ll admit, but I told Sam months ago to get out of that place where he works and get another job. I had a feeling that the company wasn’t very stable financially.
1 – You mean it’s not a strong company? I’d always thought it was one of the strongest around.
2 – If you’ve been reading the news in the financial section, you could see that the company was headed1 for trouble. I wouldn’t be surprised to see it go bankrupt before the end of the year.
1 – It sure is too bad. Is there anything we can do for Sam?
2 – I’m going to call him this afternoon. I heard yesterday that there’s going to be an opening2 in the section where I work. He can get his application in3 today.
1 – I’ll check things out4 with my boss, too. There may be something open in one of the departments over in Fairmont.


1. to head to move or go in a certain direction;

2. opening place or position that is vacant;

3. to get in to submit;

4. to check out – to prove true.

Ex. 1. Conversation in context

1. What is Sam’s relationship to the speakers?

2. Where does the discussion take place?

3. Is Sam present?

4. Can the speakers help Sam?

Ex. 2. Personal application

1. Did you ever lose your job? If so, describe how it felt.

2. What are the most financially stable companies in your country?

3. Do you get along well with your boss?

4. Are there any openings where you work?

5. Would your friends help you find a job?


Speak on:

– the basic cause of the business cycle;

– the phases of the business cycle;

– business cycle theories;

– the definition of unemployment, its types

– the reasons for unemployment;

– the impact of technology changes on unemployment;

– the geographic distribution of jobs;

– costs of unemployment;

– positive sides of frictional and structural unemployment;

– the goal of full employment;

– the Philips Curve.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 808 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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