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A. Translate into Russian.

Woman’s Place in Management

Bad news for female managers. Their subordinates resent being disciplined by them. Men and women alike would far rather be scolded by a male boss than a female one. Indeed, a study of gender and discipline at work, by Leanne Atwater, a professor at the school of Management at Arizona State University, and two colleagues, finds that women dislike being told off by another woman even more than men do.

Many studies of male and female have claimed that the sexes differ in their styles of leadership: women do better at the people’s side, men at the getting-the-job-done side. Sociologists have studied the different reactions of girls and boys to discipline at school: boys get used to being reprimanded whereas girls, who are more rarely rebuked, take it more personally. But nobody seems to have studied discipline and gender at work.

Ms Atwater and her colleagues interviewed 163 workers from a broad range of jobs who had been disciplined in a variety of ways, from being fired to being ticked off. In about 40% of cases, they found, subordinates changed their behavior as a result of their telling – off, and female bosses were as successful in this as men. But male bosses were much more severe than women: they were three times as likely to suspend or sack a subordinate, and only half as likely to give merely an oral wigging. Even so, when female subordinates were asked if they felt responsible for their bad behavior, 52% said no when a female boss read the riot act – but only 18% when the boss was male.

One explanation for such differences, suggested by a member of the audience at the Academy of Management conference in Toronto where the paper was recently presented, is that women tend to resolve conflicts quickly – and are therefore blamed for overreacting – while men wait in the hope that things will blow over.

Another explanation, from Alice Eagly, a professor of psychology at North-western University, is that women are recent arrivals in managerial roles, and so have less legitimacy than men. There is also a problem of “gender spillover”: people assume women are kind and gentle at home, and expect the same at work. Spillover, though, works both ways. The paper called “Wait Until Your Father Gets Home”, a line that small family subordinates are all too used to hearing.

B. Translate into English.

Экономическое образование – это подготовка специалистов по планированию, учету, финансам и другим направлениям экономической работы в народном хозяйстве, в области научной и педагогической деятельности. Возникновение экономических учебных заведений связано с развитием промышленности и торговли.

Во второй половине XVIII века в России были организованы первые коммерческие училища. Преподавание экономических дисциплин в университетах началось в XIX веке. Первые специализированные вузы по подготовке специалистов для торгово-промышленной деятельности возникли в начале XX века (коммерческие университеты в Москве и Киеве). В Беларуси экономические институты появились тоже в XX веке. Ведущим отраслевым вузом Республики Беларусь является Белоруский государственный экономический университет. Экономичские специальности можно также приобрести в ряде других вузов страны. В БГУ обучение ведется по следующим специальностям: экономика, экономическая теория, менеджмент, финансы и кредит.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 551 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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