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Ex. 1. Expand the sentences.

1. Economists study the ways in which individuals and society choose to use ….

2. They are concerned with ….

3. About half of them are academic economists who ….

4. The other half of the profession work for ….

5. Government economists forecast ….

6. Business economists work for ….

7. Rather than to take low-wage, big-industry job, people opt to ….

8. An individual hoping to start up a new company needs to have ….

9. Entrepreneurship is regarded to be ….

Ex. 2. Answer the questions.

1. What do economists study?

2. What job settings are economists employed in?

3. What are the spheres of activities of:

a) academic economists?

b) government economists?

c) business economists?

4. How do entrepreneurs differ from above mentioned economists?

5. What is a driving force in entrepreneurship?

6. What is the percentage of growth for men and women entering into business independence?

Ex. 3. Re-order the sentences to make a paragraph with a logical sequence.

1. The entrepreneur has no guarantee that this new business venture will be successful, and often invests his or her own savings in the business, meaning that the entrepreneur needs to be a risk taker.

2. The entrepreneur’s flair or talent ensures that the business becomes successful.

3. An entrepreneur begins with an idea and the forms of a new business.

4. The new organization begins producing goods or services.

Text 2

While reading the passage pay attention to the description of degrees in economics.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 842 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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