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Talking points. A) you were left behind at the station?

1. What would you do if:

a) you were left behind at the station?

b) you missed your train?

c) you had to share your compartment with a party of very noisy children?

d) you suddenly missed your ticket when the train began to pull out?

e) you could not get a taxi to take you to the station and you had a colossal amount of luggage?

f) you suddenly discovered that the bag containing your travelling things was gone?

g) you found your berth occupied by another passenger?
h) one of your fellow-passengers was suddenly taken ill?
i) you had boarded the wrong train?

j) you had changed trains at the wrong junction?

k) you found it impossible to get sleeping accommodation on the train you were to go by?

1) your fellow-passengers would not let you lower the win­dow in your compartment on a hot summer day?

2. Think about a train journey you have been on. In pairs, describe your journeys to each other. Make sure you in­clude words from Word Bank — and any other train or rail vocabulary you can think of.

3. Imagine you are a travel agent. What itinerary would you recommend a tourist, who wants to spend a) only 3 days; b) 5 days; c) a week; d) one day travelling around Britain and is eager to see as much as possible.

Use the map to describe the tour route. Take it in turns. Consult the following rail itinerary

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 817 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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