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Write English equivalents for the following words and phrases. Use them in sentences of your own

Прибыть в Москву; багаж; пересесть на другой поезд; опоздать на поезд; дорожный чемодан; нервотрепка; благовоспитанный; в конце концов; успокоиться

5. Give synonyms from the text to the following words and phrases:

(1) to make up one's mind (2) to persuade (3) to bother one's head (4) to spend money (5) to continue (6) closed

6. Fill in the prepositions where necessary:

(1) He arrived... his destination in time. (2) The train ar­rived... Prague early... the morning. (3) 1 went straight... the platform to look... my carriage. (4) As the driver drove... break­neck speed I felt my heart sink. (5) If you are not pressed... time, you may travel... water. (6) Mother asked me to book her a cabin... a ship. (7) I hate seeing people.... (8) On our way... Paris we had to change stations. (9) Though 1 did my best I failed to catch... the train.

7. Match the words with their definitions below:

(1) a cabin (2) a trunk (3) to pack (4) a porter (5) a luggage (a) a man who carries luggage; b) to fill methodically with contents; c) an apartment in a ship; d) a traveller's baggage; e) a thing for containing clothes.

8. Make word combinations according to the text:

muscular wrecking

a dozen traffic

nerve husband

breakneck suitcases

heavy speed

9. Answer these questions. Begin when possible the an­swers with:

/ think/guess/believe... I should say...

The way 1 see it... I reckon...

I consider...

1. The author was fond of travelling, was he not? Why? 2. What was his wife supposed to be doing while he was away to an agency? 3. On returning he found the suitcases packed up, didn't he? 4. Why wasn't his wife through with packing? 5. Was it any use urging her to hurry? Why? 6. Why couldn't John but be impatient? 7. How did he teach his wife a good lesson? 8. Was it easy or difficult to find a taxi? 9. Did the taxi-driver manage to get the travellers to the station alive and in time? 10. Did they have enough time to say good-bye to their acquaintances? 11. What did the author mean saying, "this was no time for me to be genteel"? 12. What made everyone angry in the compart­ment? 13. Did the conductor let the passengers dump their suit­cases in the corridor? 14. Why did the author go on strike when changing stations? 15. Did his wife give in the end? 16. How many trips did it take the porter to transfer all the luggage? 17. How did the porter feel when he finished? 18. What was the beauty of the situation?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1380 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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